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Observation Field Notes

One day, during my observation time at my field experience class I had the chance to observe a math lesson that covered line graphs, in particular looking at temperature graphs and the change in temperature throughout a one day span. My mentor teacher gave the students two different graphs and had the students come up with story problems that would match the temperature graph. After the students came up with stories he and the students sat on the carpet in a circle and the students shared what they wrote and the rest of the class had to guess what graph it matched with. While on the carpet he used verbal communication to pick students to share as well as to give them directions to raise hands and listen to one another. He also used nonverbal cues such as looking at students or mouthing to them. As I observed I recorded some notes. I would like to use this observation to help me develop math activities that help get the whole class involved in the process of understand the concept.

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