Annotated Bibliography

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Annotated Bibliography Eugenics: Creating the Master Race Primary Sources: Alexander Graham Bell. 1904. Photograph.

Library of Congress, Washington, DC. Web. 12 Apr 2013. This photograph which is housed at the Library of Congress was used to help us learn more about Alexander Graham Bell. Bell, Alexander Graham. "How To Improve the Race."Journal of Heredity. V.1 (1914): 1-7. Web. 12 Apr. 2013. <> This eBook published on Internet Archive helped us understand Bells view of eugenics and how the science of it should be used. Cameron, Julia Margaret. Charles Darwin. 1868. Photograph. National Portrait Gallery, London. Web. 10 Jan 2013. This 1868 photograph of Darwin housed at the National Portrait Gallery in London helped us learn more about him. Carrie Buck and Emma Buck . 1924. SUNI- Albany, Albany, NY. Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>. We used this image of Carrie and Emma Buck to show what they looked like on the Buck v. Bell Trial page. Darwin, Charles. The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1871. eBook. In reviewing this eBook, we located information leading us to a quote we used on our page regarding Darwin. It shows his belief in eugenics theory, even though he doesnt state it as such. Charles B. Davenport, Director, Eugenics Record Office, Carnegie Department of Genetics, and Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor. Eugenics Archive. Web. 22 Mar 2013. We used this picture of Charles B. Davenport sitting on his office at the Cold Springs Harbor not only to show what he looked like but also what he did at the records office. Davenport, Charles. "The Eugenics Programme and Progress in Its Achievement." Ed. Lucy James Wilson. Eugenics: Twelve University Lectures. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1914. eBook. We used this quote (below) because it gave evidence on how strongly Davenport felt about his beliefs: "On the other hand there are produced families of the feeble-minded, of the criminalistic, of the deaf-mutes, of the tubercular." DNA Learning Center, Cold Springs Harbor, NY. Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>.

We used this picture in the Cold Springs Harbor/Eugenics Records Office page to show what the office looked like. Dorr, Gregory Michael. "Buck v. Bell (1927)." Encyclopedia Virginia. Virginia Foundation for the Humanities, 5 Dec. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2013. This site was used for the conclusion. It was used to find out what happened after the Buck v. Bell court case. Also, we used this website for research on the Poe v. Lynchburg Training School and Hospital, and the effects these court cases had on Virginian eugenics. Dr. Joseph DeJarnette. c.1926. Photograph. Western State Hospital, Staunton, Virginia. Web. 5 Dec 2012. The Western State Hospital employment records included a photograph of Dr. DeJarnette, the writer of a eugenics poem and director of the Western State Hospital. Fisher, Ph.D., Irving. Eugenics. Battle Creek, Michigan: Good Health Publishing, 1913. eBook. This eBook located on the Internet Archive gave us many ideas to incorporate in our presentation of the early views of eugenics. Eugenics Tree Logo. N.d. DNA Learning Center Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>. We used this primary source logo from Second International Eugenics Convention in 1921 because it displayed well the goals of eugenics. Graham's Art Studios, Sir Francis Galton. 1956. National Portrait Gallery, London, England. Web. 26 Mar 2013. This image of Francis Galton from National Portrait Gallery in London helps us understand a bit more about Sir Galton. Grant, Madison. The Passing of the Great Race; or The Racial Bias of European History . 4th. New York: Scribner, 1936. eBook. This book gave us great insight into Grants belief in eugenics and Nordic purity. Gregor Mendel. N.d. Photograph. DNA Learning Center, Cold Spring Harbor. Web. 10 Mar 2013. This photo of Gregor Mendel is property of the American Psychological Association and is hosted on the DNA Learning Center site within Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Harry H. Laughlin. DNALC Web. 22 Mar 2013. We used this picture on the Harry Laughlins page to show what he looked like. "Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement."Eugenics Archive . N.p.. Web. 27 Mar 2013. <>. We used this Primary Source page not only for pictures of the Buck v Bell Trial but also for information on the trial including what the prosecutors used and their argument.

Laughlin, Harry. Eugenical Sterilization, 1926. New Haven, CT: American Eugenics Society, 1926. eBook. <> We used a page from this Laughlins book to present his proposal for sterilization of the feebleminded. United States. 68th Congress (1923). Act of May 26, 1924 to Limit Immigration of Aliens into the United States for Other Purposes. Washington, DC: National Archives, Web. Arcweb ID: 5752154: The Immigration Act of 1924 reiterated eugenics ideas in limiting immigrants from southern and eastern European countries. United States. Supreme Court. Loving et ux. v. Virginia. 1967. Web. This transcript posted on the University of Missouri-Kansas City law school site is of the 1967 decision by Chief Justice Warren regarding the unconstitutionality of miscegeny laws. Secondary Sources: "Buck v. Bell (No. 292) 143 Va. 310, affirmed.." Legal Information Institute. Cornell University Law School. Web. 8 Apr 2013. <> Within this public access site, we found the transcript of the court case that included the decision by Justice Oliver Wendall Holmes, Jr. "Colony Building" (2009). Buck v Bell Documents. Paper 57. < This site gave us an image of the Colony Building where Carrie Buck was sterilized. Curry, Lynne. The Human Body on Trial: A Sourcebook with Cases, Laws, and Documents. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 2002. 117-24. Print. In reviewing the cases in this text, it gave us a better understanding of the precedent set by Buck v. Bell. "Darwinism." Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . N.p., 10 Jan 2010. Web. 25 Mar 2013. <>. We used this page to support our information on the article on Charles Darwin. "Eugenics Movement Reaches Its Height 1923." A Science Odyssey: People and Discoveries. WGBH, n.d. Web. 10 Mar 2013. Through this source, we located general information on the eugenics movement, as well as the quote from President Calvin Coolidge used on our introductory page. "Eugenics movement reaches its height 1923." Public Broadcasting System. N.p.. Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>. We used this page to get an idea of what the perfect family, in the eyes of eugenics and Charles Davenport would be.

Graham, Jessie. "Two Faces: The Personnel Files of Dr. Joseph S. DeJarnette. Virginia Memory. N.p., 15 Oct 2012. Web. 26 Mar 2013. This article led us to locating the poem penned by Dr. DeJarnette as well as his frustration with the court case. Heredity is Big Problem. 1926. University of Vermont. Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>. This newspaper article from 1926 assisted our understanding of how people believed in the Eugenics movement at that time. Hillard, Bryan. The U.S. Supreme Court and Medical Ethics: Paragon Issues in Philosophy . St. Paul: Paragon House, 2004. 297-00. Print. This book gave us information about both Buck Holmes Jr., Justice Oliver Wendall. United States. Supreme Court. HOLMES, J., Opinion of the Court SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES 274 U.S. 200 Buck v. Bell ERROR TO THE SUPREME COURT OF APPEALS OF THE STATE OF VIRGINIA. Washington D.C.: Cornell University Law school, 1927. Web. < >. This site gave us insight on the Justices opinion of Three generation of imbeciles are enough. Laughlin, Harry. Most Immediate Blood-kin of Carrie Buck: Showing illegitimacy and hereditary feeble mindedness. University of Virginia Health Sciences Library. Web. 24 Mar 2013. <>. We used this picture drawn by Harry H. Laughlin showing Carrie Bucks pedigree and how undesirable traits are passed through the bloodline. We used this on the Buck v. Bell page to show what evidence Bell presented in the trial. Lombardo, Paul. "Eugenic Laws Against Race Mixing."Image Archives on the American Eugenics Movement. Dolan DNA Learning Center. Web. 10 Jan 2013. This source contributed to our knowledge of the eugenics movement in the U.S. We learned more about Madison Grant through this article. Lombardo, Paul. "Eugenic Sterilization Laws." Social Origins of Eugenics. Dolan DNA Learning Center. Web. 14 Feb 2013. This source provided us with information about laws that were passed to legalize sterilization and gave us a few short details about Buck v. Bell. Lombardo, Paul, narr. "The Historical Significance of Buck vs. Bell." DNA Interactive. DNA Learning Center, Web. 18 Apr 2013. In this podcast, Prof. Paul Lombardo discusses the effects of the Virginia case. "Loving v. Commonwealth of Virginia 1958-1966."Shaping the Constitution. Virginia Memory at the University of Virginia. Web. 10 Mar 2013.

This source provided us with information about the Loving v. Virginia and Commonwealth v. Loving and Jeter, a court case concerning miscegeny, an offshoot of eugenics. Lynn, Richard. Eugenics: A Reassessment. Westport: Praeger Publishers, 2001. 231-34. Print. This book gave us a decent amount of information about eugenics such as Galtons ideas, Buck v. Bell, and the overall ethics behind eugenics. "Mendel's Law Poem, by Joseph DeJarnette, MD, witness in Buck vs. Bell case." DNA Learning Center. N.p.. Web. 26 Mar 2013. <>. This poem shows the extreme belief Dr. DeJarnett had in the eugenics movement and sterilization of the feeble minded and weak. "Mr. Eagle and Carrie Buck" (2009). Buck v Bell Documents. Paper 68. <> This site gave us a photograph of Carrie Buck and, standing next to her, her husband, Mr. Eagle. "Oklahoma." Eugenics: Compulsory Sterilization in 50 American States. University of Vermont, n.d. Web. 8 Apr 2013. <>. In this listing of sterilizations in the U.S., it gave us the number performed in each state. Ordover, Nancy. American Eugenics: Race, Queer Anatomy, and the Science of Nationalism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2003. 133-36. Print. This book backed up information on Buck v. Bell and a small period from before. "Origins of Eugenics." Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, n.d. Web. 24 Mar 2013. <>. We used this page to collect information about many important eugenists including Sir Francis Galton, Harry H. Laughlin and Charles Davenport. Reilly, Philip R. "Laughlin, Harry Hamilton." American National Biography. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, 13:252. <> Truman State University had numerous images and articles as well as court documents on Harry Laughlin that we used in creating our project. "Skinner v. Oklahoma ex Rel. Williamson, Attorney General Supreme Court of the United States 316 U.S. 535 June 1, 1942, Decided." UMKC Constitutional Law. University of Missouri-Kansas City, 1 Jun 1942. Web. 17 Apr 2013. We learned through this court manuscript the decision of the Supreme Court case Skinner v. Oklahoma. "Tell the Court that I Love My Wife." Out of the Box: Notes from the Archives @ the University of Virginia. University of Virginia. Web. 10 Feb 2013. <>.

In this article, we learned about the Loving v. Virginia court cases and more about miscegeny laws. Tredoux, Gavan, ed. "Sir Francis Galton F.R.S. 1822-1911."Francis Galton. Web. 26 Mar 2013. This site gave us information about Sir Francis Galtons life, ideals, and works.

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