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Have fun while learning math and measuring!

This fun and easy project will put math in action and show how to apply what youve learned. This project is due April 26, 2013. Heres what you do: 1. Select a cookbook. 2. Choose a recipe. 3. Read the recipe. 4. Make a shopping list of the needed ingredients. 5. Copy your recipe on notebook paper making sure it is written neatly. 6. Make the recipe. 7. Write a paragraph about your cooking experience telling: What you made Where you got the ingredients What you did with your food How your food tasted How you felt about this experience What you learned

8. Write the original measurements and then double the ingredients. 9. Staple your shopping list to your recipe, paragraph, and measurement paper. Make a cover for your report. **Get creative. You can present this in any way you want, as long as you have all the requirements. Parents, please let your child do as much of the project as they can. If you take pictures, please send them in. Thanks.

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