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Walk away, please go Before you throw your life away A life that I could share for just

a day We should have met some years ago For your sake I say walk away, just go Walk away and live a life thats full with no regret Dont look back at me, just try to forget Why build a dream that cannot come true? So be strong, reach the stars now, walk away, walk on

If I heard your voice, Id beg you to stay So dont say a word, just run, run away

Goodbye my love My tears will fall now that youre gone I cant help but cry, but I must go on Im sad that I after searching so long Knew I loved you but I told you walk away, walk on

Benteng Rotterdam adalah salah satu tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi jika Anda sedang di Makassar. Benteng Rotterdam biasa juga disebut Benteng Pannyua atau
The original fort was rebuilt in Dutch style after the Treaty of Bungaya in 1667 Admiral Cornelis Janszoon Speelman

named the fort as the name of his hometown, Rotterdam. Fort Rotterdam has a function as a bastion of the Dutch until 1937 One of the leaders of the Java war (1825-1830), Indonesia National Heroes of Prince Diponegoro, imprisoned here for 26 years until death in 1855 There are several modest museum exhibitions in various rooms in the Fort

One place that highly recommended for those who visit Makassar is Fort Rotterdam. Fort Rotterdam or Benteng Ujung Pandang is one of the well-preserved examples of Dutch architecture in Indonesia. The forts first structure was built by King of Gowa, Tunipalangga Ulaweng, in 1545 with a simple building. When Dutch invaded, the fort failed to keep out the Dutch. The original fort then was rebuilt in Dutch style after the Treaty of Bungaya in 1667. General of the Dutch army, Admiral Cornelis Janszoon Speelman, named the fort as the name of his hometown, Rotterdam. It has a function as a bastion of the Dutch until 1937. One of the leaders of the Java War, Prince Diponegoro, was imprisoned here for 26 years until his death in 1855. Fort Rotterdam has five towers, four towers at each corner and one at the main entrance. The fort has a shape resembling a sea turtle that crawling towards the sea. Thats why local people also know the fort as Benteng Panynyua. There are also several museums inside the Fort, the most popular one is Museum Lagaligo.

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