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3 Themes Unit

First Presidents
Explain how the actions of early presidential administrations *established a strong federal government, *provided for a peaceful transition of power and *repelled a foreign invasion. *Established a strong federal government Assumption of state debt Creation of a navy Creation of national bank Ending of the Whiskey Rebellion Negotiation of Jays Treaty Maintained Neutrality Winning the McCulloch v Maryland Case Monroe doctrine

*Provided for a Peaceful Transition of Power Two term limit Disputed elections of 1800 & 1804

*Repelled a Foreign Invasion

Waging war of 1812 Westward Movement: The Nation Grows Essential Question: Describe the various methods that were used by the United States to expand our boundaries west to the Pacific Ocean.

Manifest Destiny Purchase Treaty Settle/Claim Annexation War Northwest Territory Louisiana Purchase California Gold Rush Oregon Trail Texas Independence Mexican American War

Underground Railroad
Explain the role of individuals in helping or hindering slaves escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad. Slave Catchers Conductors Harriet Tubman Levi Coffin William Lloyd Garrison Signals and Signs Hardships Dangers Risk Consequences Stations Fugitive Slave Law Abolitionists


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