Audience Feedback Responses

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1. Which is your favourite scene?

2. Which is your least favourite scene?

Shrine Hospital Recording studio Beer garden Zack and Daniel talk Party Shrine


3. Which character do you now know the most about?

4. Whose costumes were the most suited for the character?

Carlos Daniel


Party goers


Hospital staff

5. Do you think the film should have been longer than 5 minutes?

6. Do you feel that you have to watch the film again to fully understand?

Yes Yes No No

7. Was it clear who the antagonist was in the plot?

8. What do you think the white (on the credits) resembles?

This is an open question which provides qualitative data, therefore cannot be reduced to numerical form to put in a pie chart. There were various responses on the questionnaire including answers such as clean, heaven, death and contemporary



9. Was there bad lighting in any of the scenes?

10. Overall, how would you rate the film out of 10?
ten/ten nine/ten

Party No

eight/ten seven/ten six/ten five/ten 1 1 four/ten three/ten two/ten one/ten

2 5 3

Recording studio

Zack and Daniel talk

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