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NCP #6 Experiment: HDL-C and LDL-C Assessment Lab Datet L0120/11 Recorder: Kyrie'Baca Nutrition Assessement

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Age, gender: 54, female

Dietary intake: PO intake Diagnosis: Coronary artery bypass graft surgery recovery Knowledge: Pt does not exercise, her diet consists of high fat foods and she has a high refined CHO intake, and she is a smoker. Anthropometric measurements: o Ht/wt:5'4" / L62.6cm and L4B#J67.3 kg



Do.h A,Vi 1VS I .0, 1LVE CS of nutritionAl R/T deficif smoking and lack of exercise, food choices, Undesirable and wellness knowledge AEB high IBW and high serum cholesterol levels. N utriti on I nterv entio n L. Meals and snacks a. Recommend consumption of low fat foods, complex CHO and whole grains. b. Increase fiber consumption by increasing fruit and vegetable intake. 2. Nutrition Education: patient does not have enough knowledge about nutrition. a. Suggested nutrition education in food types to provide reduced enerry and more nutrients. b. Cooking methods education may also be helpful for the pt. 3. Exercise Physiology consult a. Develop an exercise regimen that will be accessible for long-term success in lifestyle change for the pt. b. Introduction should be gentle and then increasingwith time as the patient is recovering from major surgery.

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I 54.5kg,o/oIBW = L23.5o/o Obese status: Energy needs: LB29 kcal/ d - 2264i kcap Used REE 1340 Activity factor 1.3 Injury factor for postoperative sffess factor of 1.05-1.3 Protein Needs: 84.1- 101gm protein/d Stress factor of 1.25- 1.5 gm protein/kg for major surgery Ftuid Needs: 1829 ml/d - 2264.5 ml/d Labs/Tests Cholesterol:240 mg/dL High: over 200 mg/dL Tryglyceride: 250 mg/dL . over 150 mg/dL 34 mg/dL HDL: -High, Loy4: below 50 mg/dl
IBW= L20#

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Adherence to 7-day meal plan, and documentation to report to RD at next visit. 7-day food record should accompany meal plan to evaluate consumption of appropriate intake.

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