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1.1-1.7 The solutions for these problems are the solutions for problems 1.1-1.

7 in the 2nd edition Solutions Manual.

1.8 The washing machine is a batch reactor in which a first order decay of grease on the clothes is occurring. The integrated form of the mass balance equation is:

C = C0 e - kt
First, find k:
C0 1 C 1 1 1 k = ln = = = 0.128 min -1 ln ln t C 0 1 min 0.88C 0 1 min 0.88

Next, calculate the grease remaining on the clothes after 5 minutes:

-1 1 m = m0 e - kt = (0.500 g )e - (0.128 min )(5.00 min ) = 0.264 g

The grease that is not on the clothes must be in the water, so

Cw =

0.500 g - 0.264 g = 0.00472 g/L 50.0 L


Q0, C0

Plateau Creek

C.V. Qb, C0 Qs, Cs

Qf, C0


Qf/2, Cf

a. A mass balance around control volume (C.V.) at the downstream junction yields


(Q /2) Cf + Qb C0 = f

(0.5 m /s)(1.00 mg/L) + (4.0 m /s)(0.0015 mg/L) = 0.112 mg/L = (4.5 m /s)
3 3 3

b. Noting that Qb = Q0 Qf and Qs = Q0 Qf/2 the mass balance becomes

(Qf/2)Cf + (Q0 Qf)C0 = (Q0 Qf/2)Cs and solving for the maximum Qf yields

Qf =

Q0 (Cs - C 0 ) C Cf - C0 + s 2 2

(5.0 m /s)(0.04 - 0.0015 mg/L) = 0.371 m /s

3 3

0.04 1.0 - 0.0015 + mg/L 2 2

1.10 Write a mass balance on a second order reaction in a batch reactor:

Accumulation = Reaction V

dm = Vr(m) dt

where r(m) = - km 2
1 1 = - kt m0 m t

dm = - k dt m2 m0 0


1 1 1 k= t mt m0

calculate mt=1 based on the equations stoichiometry that 1 mole of methanol yields 1 mole of carbon monoxide

mole CO 1 mole CH 3 OH 32 g CH 3 OH (100 g CO ) = 114.3 g CH 3 OH 28 g CO 1 mole CO mole CH 3 OH

so, and k =

CCH3OH, t =1 = 200 g - 114.3 g = 85.7 g

1 1 1 = 0.00667 d -1g -1 1 d 85.7 g 200 g

1.11-1.13 The solutions for these problems are the solutions for problems 1.8-1.10 in the 2nd edition Solutions Manual.

1.14 Calculate the pipe volume, Vr, and the first-order rate constant, k.

Vp =

(3.0 ft )2 (3400 ft )

24,033 ft 3

and k =

ln 2 ln 2 = = 0.0578 min -1 t 1/2 (12 min)

For first-order decay in a steady-state PFR

C0 = Ce -kt = (1.0 mg/L)exp 0.0578 min 1 24,033 ft 3


min gal ) 10 gal 0.134 ft


= 2.82 mg/L

1.15 The stomach acts like a CSTR reactor in which a first order decay reaction is occurring. Stomach Gastric Q, Ci Digested food Q, Ce juices in V, r(C) stream out

V = 1.15 L, k = 1.33 hr-1, Q = 0.012 L/min, m0 = 325 g, t = 1 hr Accumulation = In Out + Reaction V dC = QCi - QCe + Vr (C ) dt
dC Q = - + k dt C V 0 C0
C t Q - + k t V

where r(C) = -kC, Ci = 0, and C = Ce


C = Ce

(0.012 L/min )(60 min/ hr ) 325 g + 1.33 hr -1 (1 hr ) = exp 1.15 L 1.15 L

C = 40.0 g/L and then mt=1hr = (40.0 g/L)(1.15L) = 46.0 g

1.16-1.20 The solutions for these problems are the solutions for problems 1.11-1.15 in the 2nd edition Solutions Manual.


a. Calculate the volume that 1 mole of an ideal gas occupies at 1 atm and 20 C.


nRT (1 mole) 0.082056 L atm mol -1 K -1 (293.15 K ) = = 24.04 L then 1 atm P

ppmv = (mg/m3)(24.04 L/mol)(mol wt)-1 = (60 mg/m3)(24.04 L/mol)(131 mol/g)-1 = 11.0 ppmv
b. Draw a sketch of the valley as the CSTR, non-steady state control volume.

Coal Valley Q, Ca V, r(C), kd, ks Q, Ce

kd = radioactive decay rate constant = (ln2)/t1/2 = (ln2)/(8.1 d) = 0.0856 d-1 ks = sedimentation rate constant = 0.02 d-1
c. The mass balance for the CSTR control volume is

dC = QCa - QCe + Vr(C ) = QCa - QCe V (k d Ce + k s Ce ) dt

Assuming Ca = 0 and integrating yields

t= C 1 1 ln 0 = 3 Q C 60 24 min V + k d + ks 6 10 5 m min d + 0.0856d 6 3 2.0 10 m 11.0 ln ppmv -5 1 10 + 0.02d -1


t = 0.0322 d = 46.4 min



8.00 mg mmole 40mg mNaOH = 2 (1.00 L ) = 6.53 mg NaOH L 98 mg mmole

b. The reaction (P1.3) is second-order (see the rate constants units) so that

dC H + dt

= - kC H + C OH- = - kC H +

After integration and noting that at t = t1/2, C = C0/2, the equation can be written

t1/2 =

1 1 = 4.38 10 -8 seconds = kC0 8.00 mg mmole 11 mol 2 1.4 10 98 mg L s L

Therefore, neutralization occurs almost instantly.

1.23 1.37 The solutions for these problems are the solutions for problems 1.16-1.30 in the 2nd edition Solutions Manual.

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