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Larissa Macko ENC 1102 Dr. Leslie Wolcott February 21, 2013 Annotated Bib. Conference.

Works Cited

Vodko V. V., et al. "SELECTION OF RECONSTRUCTIVE AND PLASTIC SURGERY EXTENT FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH BREAST CANCER. (English)." Oncosurgery / Onkohirurgia 4.2 (2012): 4. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. Medicine has greatly evolved throughout the years. Reasons behind this are because of technological advances and discoveries and doctors themselves. Within the medical discourse community I am specifically examining the plastic surgeons. Plastic surgeons come across not only the housewives of wealthy men but breast cancer patients as well. Recently, the Brava/AFT surgery has blossomed. This method is a fat transfer from one area of the body to another and is used by surgeons and performed on some women who have had a single or double mastectomy. I will be discussing the conversation of what and how this procedure is performed. Also the benefits, including how the surgery can build confidence lost in women who have had a mastectomy.

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