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Table Of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction 3 Chapter 2: What To Do And When To Get There 4

Chapter 3 : Getting On Board 6 Chapter 4 :Of The Plane 8

Have you ever wondered what traveling feels like? Traveling is fun but you have to be very, responsible because you have to do a lot of things. For example, you have to keep track of the time, so you know what time to get on the plane. Also, you have to know what boarding gate you have to go to.

What To Do And When To Get There

Time and organization are very useful when you travel, because when you travel you need to have in mind at what time to get to the airplane and what things to do in the airport. Like do the check-in so they can give you your airplane tickets and they can put bags on the plane.

If you have a V.I.P card you can go to the V.I.P room. In the room there are tasty drinks and little snacks so you can eat before boarding the plane. Also, there is free WIFI, there are computers you can use. Last there are comfortable seats but remember only if you have the V.I.P card.

Getting On Board

When you're waiting in the room the loud speaker will sound. When the loud speaker says your plane number and the destination go on board, but make sure that you go on the correct plane.

Otherwise, you will get to the wrong destination or get to the right destination but take someone elses seat on the plane and maybe the plane you were supposed to take already left. And if you go to the wrong destination how are you going to get back?

Off The Plane

Finally I got o # plane!!

When you get off the plane rst you have to pass through immigration so they can be sure that you got there safely. After that you go pick up your bags. Then : .....


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