Teaching Philosophy

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I feel passionate about education. My main goal is to make a difference in the lives of minority students; to prove to them that anything is possible . I will either help ignite or continue to spark the academic flame that they have inside of them. Every student has the potential to be great, my objective as a teacher will be to bring out the full potential of each and every one of my students. Every educator has points that will assist them in the classroom well mine are quite unique for myself. My strengths in the classroom will be my commanding voice, also having an active personality will help me transfer that high energetic feeling to lesson plans I have and activities I will have my class complete. Finally I'm motivated to teach; when students see my infatuation with educating them, they will feel motivate to learn to their highest of abilities. Along with strengths, all educators have weaknesses that will hinder them in the classroom, the difference between my weakness and others weakness is that I will not accept mine, I will overcome these challenges and own them. My weaknesses are that I want to be liked by everybody, I do not like help from others, and I sometimes I lose sight of the true goal and get lost in the recognition when really the students should be the vocal point of my teaching experience. Seeing that I will be doing instruction for middle school, I know that a commanding voice will be a strong asset in the classroom. Students will respect me and know that I am serious about the academic and moral standards I set in the classroom. Having a commanding voice in the/e classroom will help me dictate the tone I have for my students. I know that every student who walks through my classroom doors will be successful in life, they may not know it yet, but there is a flame of desire burning inside of them and scholars just need a slight force to bring out the full potential. Having a strong voice as an educator will encourage students to have a durable voice in the classroom as well, when a student is speaking I will not tolerate timid students wh o

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are afraid to voice their logic through dialogue. Instead I want students to feel comfortable voicing their opinion and confident in what they say. With a commanding voice I know I will go far successfully in education. Along with a commanding voice an active personality will also aid me in my endeavors to teach the youth of the future. An active personality will aid me in the classroom in multiple ways. Students will be able to sense the time and effort I put into every lesson I have created and feel encouraged to aggressively attack the tasks I have set before them. Another way an active personality will help me in the classroom is by lecturing; when students notice the passion I have for teaching them students, they will in return will have their intrinsic motivation grow extensively for the subject at hand. With an active personality students will feel comfortable being themselves in my classroom and growing academically and also raise their maturity. With an active personality, I know students will succeed and blossom in my classroom. Another positive trait that will help aid me in the classroom is my motivation to teach. I will have a positive influence on the world. I have always wanted to have a positive generativity experience. I realized my way to identify to the next generation is through education. I want the next generation to have a better life than I had, to help plant the seeds of knowledge to blossom and mature properly from middle school to adulthood. My eventual goal in life is to become school superintendent of Denver Public Schools, the public school system I graduated high school from. I feel that through education I can reach the youth in a positive way, to show them that the only way to be successful is not only through entertainment; that there are other fields of human endeavors that they can pursue and find happiness in. Students will notice motivation I have to teach them, and in return they will have the motivation to learn. to help

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further success as an educator, teachers must have philosophies that will help them instruct effectively. As an educator I have three philosophies: All students can learn when they are accepted for who they are and where they are on their educational journey. Effective learning requires a collaboration between teacher, students, and parents grounded in mutual respect and trust. I believe learning takes place in a positive safe environment

Along with philosophies comes the notion of how I will handle students in the classroom. I want every student know that their voice and opinion matters in my class. That there logic is good for the classroom; I want to have dialogue with my students; helping guide them to the correct answer rather than just telling them. When it comes to classroom rules I only have three that will lead to a successful classroom. 1. Respect the proper of the class, yourself and others 2. Respect everybody's opinion (logic) 3. Do not lie. With these three rules in place, my classroom will be sure to flourish. In the education field, the educator cannot do it alone, teachers need help from people surrounding them. Educators can only do so much, educators must depend on the parents to do the rest of the work. To make sure students are fulfilling their everyday needs at home; completing homework assignments, doing projects/reports/interviews. Parents should also know what their students are learning in the classroom, not just taking their child's word for it. By following the syllabus, observing the classroom some days, become a chaperone on field trips. And making sure that they are doing all they can to ensure success in the classroom. Parents and educators must come

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to a mutual understanding about what's expected from the student and how he or she should perform inside the classroom. When students understand what is expected of them from educators and parents they will achieve to their fullest potential. I'm excited about teaching. I want every student to feel the passion that I have for them. That I need them to succeed in order to help create a better tomorrow. "The future belongs to those who prepare for it today" Malcolm X. That man said it best, I am implanting seeds of fruitfulness through education. Students will know from day one in my classroom, I expect greatness and nothing else. For them to become smarter than I am, to prepare with the proper study skills to achieve greatness in the academic and real world.

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