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As a Physical Education teacher and an educator, it is the responsibility of the teacher as well as the schools duty to keep the

students safe. In our lessons we will challenge the students and give them pertinent information to help make them the best educated that we can. In our classrooms/gymnasiums, we will have set rules that are strictly enforced to make sure students are held accountable for their actions. Students will have assigned numbers to sit on so that attendance can be taken. This is also for tracking reasons. Our students must come prepared to class and be ready to participate When the whistle blows: Stop, eyes on the teacher and no talking Treat others how you want to be treated, will be one of our most important rules. When someone else is talking the rest of the class is quiet (treat others how you would like to be treated) Any issue that cannot be resolved, bring the issue to the teachers attention SAFETY FIRST!! SAFTEY, SAFETY, SAFETY!!

In instances where a student breaks a rule(s): First Violation: Warning; and the student will be made aware of his/her violation Second Violation: The student will be pulled to the side and talked to about the violation Third Violation: Student will be removed and sit out the rest of the class and the principal will be notified. The student will be notified about when he/she will help clean the gym. (after school/during lunch) Fourth Violation: A parent/ teacher conference will be arranged, instance will be recorded in his/her portfolio

For any absurd behavior (Swearing, talking back to a teacher/disrespecting of a staff member or student, or fighting): Student will be marched down to the principals office (expelled if necessary), and a teacher conference will be arranged.

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