Grading Policy

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Each student will earn a weekly grade for demonstrating excellence in each domain as well as participation.

Prepared Student Is: Prepared for class. (Sneakers, comfortable physical education clothes, shorts/t-shirt) Unprepared for class. (Not wearing sneakers, not wearing workout clothes, ex. Slacks, dress shoes, dress shirt, sandals) Skills/Attributes/Abilities o Demonstrates and understands concept of lesson or skill/task at hand o While doing the activity the student demonstrates the concepts of, Cognitive/Psychomotor/Affective domains. o How much effort and how the child thinks outside the box and uses his/her imagination o Exertion/Sportsmanship/Teamwork o Concentration/Motivation o Treating others how they want to be treated/Positive Attitude/ Team building Three out of six gets a star

Grading: = Above and Beyond/ Surpasses Expectations = Expectations up to par = Partially meeting expectations = Improving = Needs improvement





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