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Date: 10th January 2012 Subject: Biology Class: Grade 9 No.

of students: 21 Duration of lesson: 1hour 10 minutes Unit topic: Sense Organs Lesson Topic: The Eye Strategies: Lecture-Discussion, Direct Instruction, and Co-operative Learning General Objectives: Students should gain knowledge about the eye. Specific Objectives: From the slides shown, students should be able to: 1. Describe how short-sightedness is corrected 2. Describe how long-sightedness is corrected 3. Explain how the eye achieves accommodation to near and far objects. 4. Explain how the eye achieves accommodation to light and dark conditions..

Previous Knowledge: Students are familiar with the eye. Summary of Content: The human eye is an organ which reacts to light for several purposes. As a conscious sense organ, the eye allows vision. Rod and cone cells in the retina allow conscious light perception and vision including color differentiation and the perception of depth. The human eye can distinguish about 10 million colors.[1] In common with the eyes of other mammals, the human eye's non-image-forming photosensitive ganglion cells in the retina receive the light signals which affect adjustment of the size of the pupil.

Instructional Materials: Computer, and Multimedia Projector. Procedure: Step 1. (10 minutes) Teacher introduces the lesson and will lead a question and answer session to ascertain students knowledge of the eye Step 2. (50 minutes) Teacher will develop the lesson. Teacher show presentation on the eye. Teacher helps students to relate the special structure to special function of the different parts of the eye. Step 3. (10 minutes) Teacher will show different pictures of eye parts and relate them to their functions. Evaluation: Teacher: The class went according to plan. The lesson was delivered and received well. Student: Students were excited and interested in the lesson and all participated. Lesson: The lesson was good students were allowed to ask questions and were motivated to learn.

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