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EDU3106 Notes

No t e b o o k: Cre at e d : A u t h o r: 2 PPG 06/11/2012 10:15 PM Suhaimi Shaarani U p d at e d : 07/11/2012 12:04 AM

Programs carried out by the MOE to overcome inequality of education among students. Supplementary Food Planning (RMT) Financial Aid for Students from Poor Family (KWAMP) Providing Hostel Food Providing Transport for Students Life jacket Monthly Allowance for Disabled Students Textbook Borrowing Scheme Tuition Voucher Scheme Factors that cause inequality of education opportunity among pupils in rural and urban areas. Lack of experienced teachers Slow development in rural areas Physical and socio cultural environment not conducive in rural areas Internet access in rural and urban areas is different so as the teachers ICT skills Methods or strategies used by teachers in the classroom Socioeconomic difference What have the government done to solve the problem of inequality in education? Free education for all Malaysians Standardize the curriculum Opportunities are given to all regardless their family background Mother tongue to be used- in SJK Standardized School System Give aid to school Ensure the workforce is sufficient in all schools How teachers deal with socio cultural diversity? Equip themselves with sufficient knowledge towards different ethnics Sensitive with the habits or norms of certain ethnic and share them with students Ensure the classroom setting brings positive images of different ethnics Make decision wisely and spend wisely whenever purchasing teaching aids

Constructing Cultural Friendly Classroom Managing physical environment Managing socio emotion environment Relationship among ethnic groups Ways which are suitable to apply in a combined class. Student centered teaching Carry out group activities Encourage discussion among students Collaborative method Cooperative method Why a combined class is needed? Lack of teachers Insufficient number of students, less than 10 Students from the same year or level

Main features of a combined class. Only appear in primary schools Students are from different year and age Less than 10 students Types of languages that will affect the effectiveness of communication among teachers and students. Normal Terminology Academic Terminology Literacy / Creative Terminology Sports Terminology / Science Terminology Composition Terminology Advertisement / Business Terminology Mass Media Terminology Law Terminology Finance Terminology List out 4 ways of non-verbal communication Eye contact Hand movement / Gestures Facial expression Body language Classroom Communication: Problems faced, Resolution & Implication. Classroom Communication: Problems faced, Resolution & Implication. Problems Lack of preparation Resolution Always be prepared. Implication Pupils will be able to get the message clearly so that objective can be achieved. Pupils will be able to convey messages clearly. Pupils become more confident. Help to boost pupils self esteem.

Noisy classroom

Make sure that the classroom is quiet enough to carry out a lesson. Avoid criticizing pupils. Avoid giving negative comments on pupils. Encourage classroom discussion.

Critics Labeling pupils

Give instructions

Pupils feel involved in classroom activities.

Discuss the implications when a teacher fails to communicate effectively Pupils do not get the message clearly. Objectives are not achieved. Pupils fail to follow teachers instructions as they could not hear clearly. Poor classroom management. List out why an action research is important to promote a culture friendly environment in schools. Using student centered approach. To encourage pupils to be culture friendly. Select and adapt content of a lesson / teaching aids.

Professionally prepared equip oneself pedagogically and aware of issues in teaching List out plans that have been carried out by the Ministry of Education to enhance the quality in education among native. School fees Co-curriculum Monthly assessment paper Annual sports day Activities of Islamic and Moral Education School aid Stationery, exercise books and workbooks School uniforms Basic necessities (for pupils staying in hostel) Transport fares Supplementary food for pupils in rural areas. The importance of Multiculture To To To To To understand other culture interact with other races know other cultures embed respect to other cultures and beliefs avoid prejudice

What Malaysian can do to achieve 1Malaysia Kelab Rukun Negara RIMUP Optimizing BM in multiracial classroom Create good relationship among students Involves all races Change prejudice attitude Create love and respect among multi racial pupils How to analyze Social Structure Social Class - based on economy - the rich vs the poor Sosial Strafication - based on race/caste, education, wealth and age Social differences - Race, family, religion Why Social Structure can be found in Malaysia? Geographical and demographical influence Political disturbances Changes in the nation economy Social mobility in the community Urbanizatian and modernizationa Beliefs and culture - Caste Education oppurtinity Community prespective to other individus / groups Factors that influence inequality in education Sosial Class Gender Minority Groups Special Requirement Group Teachers role in choosing appropriate reading materials in Culture Relevant Pedagogy Materials must be related to students experience Avoid sensitive issues Suits students culture

Materials must induce students to read Culture: Can be learned Can be shared Is inherited Universal Always changing Has symbolic characteristics Community: Grouped Has culture Evolving Interacts with others Has social classes Traditional Malay classes Sultan Royalties Dignitaries Civilians Malay Taboos: Do not sit on pillows Do not sew at dusk A girl must not whistle / sings in the kitchen Chinese Taboos: Do not sweep on CNY eve Do not wear colourful clothing during deaths Do not wear white. blue / black during CNY Indian Taboos: Do not whistle at night Newlyweds must be vegetarians for first 3 days Always clean the feet before entering the house Common taboos: Finish the rice to avoid it cries Never pee on an anthill Do not point the fingers to rainbows Vision school: To unite multiracial students Cost saving on infras To inculcate coorperation / tolerence To inculcate multiracial discussions To induce patriotisme To create good competitions The Ambigous Curiculum (Tersirat) Covers all learning experience Learning outcomes that are relative and cannot be measured quantitatively Covers values that are built within the curiculum

Varies according to location, surrounding and backgrounds Not written down but exists Differs in categories based on the institue, learning levels and objectives Implication of The Ambigous Curiculum Build a unified race Acceptence between cultures Create tolerence Inculcates cultural values Develops unifying acts through cocuricular Create healthy competitions Approaches in multiracial classroom Coorperative Collaborative Mediative Directive Future Studies Generative Contextual Metacognitive Ways to avoid single race monopoly in a classroom Democratic and fair Use varied materials from different cultures Seating arrangement T&L preparation - give ample oppurtunities to interact Inculcate positive attitude Non-Verbal Communication in a Learning Environment Eye Contact Hand movement Smiles Facial expression Subtle body movement Give positive responses during interactions Implication to teacher's failure in communication in a classroom Students do not get the right messages Uaable to achieve the learning objectives Students won't be able to hear clearly Loss of interests Demotivates the students Will create disciplinary issues Culture: Language and the traditional ways that are the heritage of a social group The reason to rely on each other: Self persevation Ethnic: Practicing the same customs Race:

Physical and biological simillarities like eyes and skin colurs The Malaysian Race Practices the same value and culture Implication to sosio-culture: Teacher , Students, and school. Inclusice program: Special needs children in normal classes

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