One Countrys Dilemma 00

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One Countrys Dilemma

You are the government leader of Country B Your country fought a war to gain land in G; Country A recognizes your territorial gain. Country A seizes islands in area F and fights a war to gain island D You need raw materials from C, D, & H and rely on oil and iron shipments from A. Country E is a collection of countries struggling to industrialize. Trade is limited and expensive in Country C because of competition with other nations. Your country was on of nine to attend the Washington Naval Conference. As a result of this, you sign the Kellog-Briand Pact - outlawing war and agreeing to negotiate international disputes. Your country and Country A now have about equal naval strength.

Country A has created massive trade barriers to prevent you from selling your products to them. Country A also greatly limits your ability to trade with their islands (D & F) After your country seizes land in area H, country A blocks ALL trade from their territories (A, D, & F) Your country is in desperate need of raw materials to compete with other modern nations. Without them, your country will be ruined. What will you do??? Identify TWO courses of action your country could take. Which option would you choose first? WHY??????


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