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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Computer Networks Unit Plan

Unit Author First and Last Name School District School Name School City, State Unit Overview Unit Title

Ghadeer H. Abosaeed None None None

Computer Networks
Unit Summary

Computer networks are very essential in the modern world, and they are used by almost every organizations, ranging from internet services to data and file sharing across the different continents. Therefore, for a career in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry, a proper understanding of the fundamental principles of networking, and how data travels around networks is of great significance. This unit will start by examining the various types of networks and the standards relating to the network systems such as local area networks and wide area networks. The unit will make reference to both wired and wireless networking systems. It will also explore the operation of hardware and software components which used in setting up computer networks, their functions and relation to each other especially how connections are made. The unit also explores the different services available on the networks, such as file sharing, communications and security, and account management. Learners will also be enlightened about the essence of secure networks, how to create secure systems, putting up security measures and the necessary devices. They will also learn the risks of insecure networks. To help students to reach an understanding of all these main points, the students will have role in the creation of a local area network with each other, create presentations during lessons on the assigned topics of research, and also
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create an individual project which is a final presentation about any of the fields raised throughout this unit and also a brochure to support their final presentation. In addition to the final internship in a professional environment in order to apply the skills acquired, and provide a detailed report on the daily work.

Subject Area

1- Computer networking 2- Computer network file sharing, file management and security. 3- Network troubleshooting procedures.
Grade Level

Second upper grades.

Approximate Time Needed

Guided learning hours: six hours each week of ten weeks.

Unit Foundation Targeted Content Standards and Benchmarks

Technology standards: 1- Students use technological tools to gather information for their final project (presentation and brochure), reports and researches from variety of sources. 2- Students use telecommunications to collaborate and interact with their educator and peers during their final internship. 3- Students use variety of media and formats to display the ideas and the main points effectively to their peers during their presentations. Networking Standards: 1- Use network protocols and standards such as TCP/IP and wireless standards (IEEE 802.11) to cover the services provided by computer networks which include: a. Directory services such as account management, and authentication management and active directory. b. Telecommunication services such as e-mail and internet. c. File services such as file transfer and file sharing over the networks.
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d. Application services such as web, proxy and shared resources which include printers. 2- Use networking materials to create Local Area Network (LAN). 3- Solve business risks associated with computer networks such as loss of service, loss of confidentiality and privacy, malware, viruses, worms, compromised data integrity and loss of business or income. 4- Securing computer networks which involves create passwords, make data encryption when necessary, doing backup and storage, and install intrusion detection systems.
Student Objectives/Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student is expected to: Networking objectives: 1- Define the basic terminologies used in computer networks. 2- Identify the individual components used in these networks and the differences between them. 3- Outline the available network configurations. 4- Work cooperatively in teams to create Local Area Network( LAN). 5- Indicate the reasons for using a network model and their applications. 6- Be able to list the layers of the TCP/IP model and describe the functions of each layer. 7- Identify the security set up procedures and data encryption methods. Technological objectives: 1- Create multimedia presentations that are supported by pictures, graphics and video clips, and use technological tool like projector to present their presentations. 2- Create professional brochure which displays their skills in the computer use.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Where do computer Question

networks find application in the modern world?

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What are the positives and negatives associated with computer networks?
Unit Questions

How are computer networks set up? What are the components required in setting up a computer network? How does information flow over the computer networks?

What are computer networks?

Content Questions

What are the network protocols used in computer networking? What are the procedures used to protect the users information in the network? What are the services provided by computer networks?

Assessment Plan Assessment Timeline

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Before project work begins

Students work on projects and complete tasks

After project work is completed

1. A test on basic computer hardware like the monitor, CPU and other peripheral devices. 2. A test on basic computer application skills such as Microsoft office and browsing software.

3. A check on
whether the students have any prior knowledge about computer networks. 4. A test on the students ability to use the internet. 5. A brief question and answer session about what the students think and dont understand, or misunderstand about computer networks and the internet.

1. Question and 4. Group of

answer presentations during lessons on the assigned topics of research. 5. The students will undertake an individual project regarding the subject to gauge the students skill. 6. The students will then be administered with a final test. 7. Undertaking of laboratory exercises.

1. Provisions for field internships to enable the students obtain a practical experience on the application of the skills attained in class to a busy working environment.

2. Issuance of certificates and recommendatio ns

sessions during lessons are to be provided to allow the interaction between the students and the educator. 2. The educator give his students assignments about the learnt subjects. 3. The educator should offer continuous assessment tests for the students to gauge their progressive understanding

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Assessment Summary

Students will be subjected to various types of assessments. These include question and answer sessions in class, class assignments, continuous assessment tests, laboratory exercises, group presentations on research assignments, administering of a final examination as well as undertaking of an individual project to test on application of the skills learnt. Students will also be required to take a field internship with an organization in order to experience the operations in a professional working environment. Both assignments and continuous assessment tests contribute to the students score alongside the final examination.
Unit Details Prerequisite Skills

Basic knowledge on computer applications and packages.

Instructional Procedures

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The first week: Introducing the Unit I will facilitate the interaction between students so that they can get familiar with each other. It will also involve question and answer session where I will inquire from the students about any prior knowledge on computer networks. I will also issue the students with the available learning materials and resources as well as introduce the unit. The third, second and fourth week: Types of Networks and Key Network Components There will be theory classes which will cover the basics of computer networking such as the types of networks, the topologies used, the protocols and standards for different types. This class will also cover the components used in networking such as network devices, connectors and cabling. After this, the students will undertake practical sessions where they will be guided through the various network devices, connectors, cables and other networking tools. They will also be taken through basic networking skills such as cable connections. The students are expected to perform a simple task of networking eight computers by using a local area network, and this will be in groups of eight students. In addition to create a presentation about what they have learned during these two weeks. The fifth and sixth week: Securing Systems and Business Risks This will consist both theory and practical session. The theory session will seek to enlighten the students on the security procedures, data encryption methods and the various threats posed by computer networks. It will also involve file transfer and information sharing over the networks. The practical session will involve the use of the network operating system, file transfer protocols, information sharing over the network and the software tools used in securing the networks. They will be guided by a laboratory technologist. The learners are expected to create networks, both wired and wireless, and assign usernames and passwords to be used to access the network. Also, students will be asked to write a research for the topics raised during these two weeks, and then create presentation to display the research to their peers. the seventh and eighth week: Project
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Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction

The institutions library will remain open for this willing to obtain resources from the library. The computer laboratory is also fully equipped and internet connected for those
Resource Student

willing to do more research. Discussion groups are encouraged as well as setting of targets. The educators offices will welcome any student in need of consultation on various matters regarding the unit. For nonnative English speakers, written form of communication will be encouraged. The

Nonnative English Speaker

educator will provide handouts as well as use PowerPoint presentations in the learning process. A Google translate software is also made available to aid in the quick understanding. Or allow them to write in their native language for later translation. Independent study is encouraged as well as class demonstrations on the skill so far

Gifted Student

attained. Mini projects will also be accepted, and more challenging tasks will be provided in the topics the learner is comfortable with. Symposiums will also be set up to show case the students innovations and developments.

Materials and Resources Required For Unit Technology Hardware (Click boxes of all equipment needed) Camera Computer(s) Digital Camera DVD Player Internet Connection Database/Spreadsheet Desktop Publishing E-mail Software Encyclopedia on CD-ROM Laser Disk Printer Projection System Scanner Television Image Processing Internet Web Browser Multimedia Web Page Development Word Processing Other Projector VCR Video Camera Video Conferencing Equip. Other

Technology Software (Click boxes of all software needed.)

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Intel Teach Program Essentials Course

Lowe, D. (2008). Networking All- In One Desk Reference for Dummies. New York: John Wiley & Sons. Hallberg, B. (2009). Networking: A Beginners Guide. New York: Osborne
Printed Materials

McGraw Hill. Dodd, A.Z. (2005). The Essential Guide to Telecommunications. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1. 1- RJ 45 cables 2. 2- RJ45 cable clips


3. 3- Cable crimping tools 4. 4- Routers 5-Switches 6. 7. 1- Laboratory exercises.

5. Internet Resources

Other Resources

2 Field trips to the internet service providers. 3- Speaking sessions with technical specialists.

Programs of the Intel Education Initiative are funded by the Intel Foundation and Intel Corporation. Copyright 2007, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Education Initiative, and Intel Teach Program are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

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