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I have chosen this artifact for the Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy standard because it describes a competent teacher

is an ethical and reflective practitioner who exhibits professionalism; provides leadership in the learning community; and advocates for students, parents or guardians, and the profession. The knowledge indicator that addresses this specific artifact and standard is: 3B. understands the use of research in reaching conclusions and developing interpretations. The performance indicator that addresses this specific artifact and standard is: 3E. assesses the credibility and authority of sources and research findings. This artifact specifically addresses the standard due to the fact that it shows that I am a member of the National Education Association. Being a part of this group gives me the opportunity to attend regional meetings as well as talk with other members about their practices and approaches to teaching. This association gives me the opportunity to attend professional development conferences and lectures that will help me to research and assess the credibility of sources and research. This artifact is a welcome email from the NEA after I joined and since that time, I have been invited to multiple conferences and meetings to help me to grow as a teacher. This demonstrates my growth and development as a teacher due to the fact that I am seeking out opportunities to attend professional development conferences and meetings that are not promoted by a specific school. The NEA also helps to insure me if anything were to happen in the classroom and that liability would not financially fall on the school specifically. I am also collaborating with other teachers from different backgrounds, districts, and teaching experience. This allows me to give my approach to handling a specific situation as well as take a look at what others are doing and how their way my work better.

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