John D Pierce

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TELP: +62 812 17 405087

John D. Pierce
Bachelor of Science, Geography, 2009, University of Idaho o GIS Certificate, Department of Geography, University of Idaho Cambridge ESOL CELTA, 2009

Language Skills
ESL Experience Teaching English for English First, Sidoarjo, Indonesia (May 2010 present) o Teaching beginner through advanced level adult English courses o Teaching elementary and junior high school students o Four months of experience at a private high school o Teaching classes of 36 students Volunteering as an aide to a middle school ESL teacher Foreign Language Experience Learned Indonesian at conversational level during one year of living in Indonesia Learned Spanish as a youth living in Mexico for 5 years Two years of high school Spanish, full emersion environment One year of college Arabic, bi-lingual environment

Geo Tech Experience

Footprint data layer project for Freemont County, Idaho. Interpreting survey markers and site plans to facilitate the excavation of roads and building sites

Work Experience
English First Sidoarjo 2010-2012 o Teaching English to learners of all ages (6-45) and all levels o Teaching English in a private high school Ball Farms, Summers 2006 2008 o Heavy equipment operation, Excavation, and Land leveling Franko Farms, summers 2003, 2004, and falls 2001 2003, 2009 o Supervisor over storage and sorting operation o General farm work, including: Equipment maintenance, Harvest hand


TELP: +62 812 17 405087

John D. Pierce
Learning about people o The places they live o Their cultures and languages The outdoors, traveling, hiking, cycling Classic cars, airplanes, and other machines

References available upon request

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