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B.E. n EXAMINATION APRIL-MAY-2009 Computer Engineering 2ET255 MICROPROCESSOR & ALP Time: 3Hrs.


Max. Marks: 100 Min. Marks: 35


Attempt any two out of three parts in all questions. 'Make a necessary assumption ifrequired in any question Write the comments with each instruction in a program.

Q.1(A) Using _blockdiagram-of-8t>85 microprocessor;--exp-Ia:ih the sequence that now the LDA command will execute?

(B) Write a program using minimum number ofT-state for repetitive generation of the followingnumber sequenceif the AAH is store in the Accumulator D5-6A-B5-5A-AD-53


( C)

Describethe following instructionfor 8085 microprocessor ( in tenus of flags, no of bytes, no of T state) (i) STC (ii) INC Rp (Hi)LDA, 16 bit address (iv) DAA

[10] (v) SHLD

Q.2(A) Interface2732 EPROM (startingaddress =OOOOH) and 6116 RAM (Starting [10] address = 2000H) using decoder 74LS138with microprocessor8085, How many foldback memory of RAM is possible in interfacingcircuit and what is the advantage of foldbackmemory? (B) Using microprocessor 8085 (frequency IMhz) design and write the program [10] for two floor lift operation system (LOS) for the following specifications. The system having three ports a) First is input port with port number 74H, which is a keypad having two keys 1 and 2 for first floor and for second floor respectively. b) Second is output port with port number 75H, which is a motorA to move the lift in up word direction. c) Third is output port with port number 76H, which is a motorB to move the lift in down word direction. . with code OOH motor is in off state and with code 01H motor is in on state. Initially assume the lift is at first floor and to reach to the second floor lift required 17 microseconds. ..

UP 8085

Design Decoder CKT

motorA 75H

motorS 76H


By using Stack memory, write a program and prove that the carry flag does [10] not change after INR instructionexecution, PTO

Q3 (A) Draw and Explain internal hardware diagram'for all the interrupts of 8085 [10] microprocessor. (B) Write and explain using timing diagramthe varioussteps required to process [10] the INTR signal. (C) Drawthe Timing Diagram for CALL'andRETURN instructionsfor Program:1 ,,
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Program:1 2400 :UqJW300H LXI H 2150H MVI C OOH INXB 'STC CMC






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Q.4(A) Write a program and ~xplain sequenc~':'fotfollowing interfacing of 8155 with 8085 microprocessor,ifPorfA:(hlput) and B (output) are used in
handshaking mode (STB.IBF. OFB;:~CK).With the"port A a AID converter is comlected and With port Ba seven;~gment display unit is conriected. If


conversiontime of AID converteris:j(jOus.




Hint -use ~ tristate buffer between t~~ 8~55 and' AID converter.


'Explain the block diagr~m of 8255 aridal~o write the, different between 8155 and
8255. ';, , \..' , ,


Q5(A) Explain the software technique for serial iIiplltand serial output data using RIM and 81Mcommends. ": '


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Explain using block diagram, required:steps'totransfer the high speed'data [10] using 8257 DMA controller, and Wr\tea program& find the mo~eregister content to transfer 2K byte of data using channel 2 from the system mt}mory to the floppy Qisk.the starting address 9f the data block is 5704H: Explain the various Modes of.8254 pr~grammableintervaltimer and write a [10] program to generate a 1Khz'squareiWave.. ' : ,. ~ :
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( C)

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