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Modern-Tradish: Na2ve Street Art and (De)colonial Space

Annita Lucchesi

overview: objec2ves and goals framing the project: context and theory introduc2on to selected ar2sts research methodologies stakes and interven2ons

Na2ve street art as decolonial aesthe2c praxis

modern-tradish: a blending of cultural expression imagined to be modern and tradi2onal ques2oning when and where Na2ve iden2ty and culture is prac2ced reterritorializa2ons of colonial space: public space vs. Na2ve space, engagement with land base, territorial claims decoloniza2on praxes: returning to oneself, culture, & territory

Theore2cal Framework
Deloria & Metcalfe: Na2ve expecta2ons of the unexpected Indianculture & modernity Coombe & West: colonial aesthe2c imagina2on & baQles over public spaces Goeman: produc2on of na2onal sovereignty & territorial imagina2on in Na2ve art

I would visit my ancestral homelands and visit sacred sites. There are miles and miles of wild art, etchings and carvings marks that really got me inspired to do gra2. And when I moved to Denver for high school, I con2nually had ashbacks to the wall art in my ancestral homelands. I like to believe Im con2nuing a tradi2on. Its not using the same materials but it is denitely in the same spirit.

Jaque Fragua (Jemez Pueblo)

Douglas Miles (San Carlos Apache)

I am commiQed to working in tradi2onal style, to be part of our cultural renewal and to help preserve the rich heritage of my forefathers.

Corey BulpiQ (Haida)

People were o]en thrown o by me because I didnt match their stereotype-based expecta2ons about how a Chinese kid or Na2ve kid is supposed to look or talk or act and it felt like I was constantly forced to jus2fy and defend my familys heritageThe real problems were other peoples outdated ideas about race and iden2ty.

Louie Gong (Nooksack)

You cant shake people who are roman2c about Indians from being roman2c about IndiansIve actually had people tell me that [my art] wasnt Indian art because its contemporary. If this was beaded, then it would be Indian art? But if its painted or sawed or whatever, its not?

Bobby Wilson (Dakota)

Quinton Maldonado (Lakota)

Annita Lucchesi (Southern Cheyenne)

personal work: self-reexive art produc2on archival: contemporary and tradi2onal Na2ve artaesthe2cs and discourse ethnographic: aesthe2cs, interviews, etc.

tradi2on & modernity culture & sovereignty spa2o-temporal territories & decoloniza2on

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