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New Edition Korean Grammar for International Learners by Ihm, Ho Bin Hong, Kyung Pyo Chang, Suk In Yonsei University Press Pubished by YONSEI UNIVERSITY PRESS 134, Shinchon-dong, Sudaemoon-ku, Seoul 120-749, Korea ‘TEL : (82-2)2123-3381~2 FAX: (82-2) 393-1421 E-mail : ysup@ http: //www.yousel. ache /press Copyright © 2001 by Ihm, Ho Bin Hong, Kyung Pyo Chang, Suk In All rights reserved. ISBN 89-7141-544-1 (03710) 89-7141-853-3 (set) First Printed: June 10, 2001 Fourth Printed : November 30, 2003 +: W4,000 Printed by Dong Kook co. in the Republic of Korea Prict Authors’ Preface More than thirteen years have passed since the year 1987, when, in a modest effort to decorate our world village, we planted a little tree with the title Korea Grammar J, I [%#5¢°] EXD I, II]. Since then the world has grown yet smaller and closer, and we find people from many different countries striving to understand each other's history and culture, and in many cases even living together in harmony and warm affection We also find now many language learners who, in order to achieve mutual understanding, show a love and respect for their counterparts’ Ianguages which are no less than the love and respect they hold for their own mother tongue, In particular, the enthusiasm of those in every nook and cranny of the globe who wish to learn Korean continues to grow, and we are certain that all these people speaking, learning and teaching Korean will derive indescribably great joy from their endeavours. It is in this sense that the authors are convinced that the reappearance of this book, in a newer, more matured, and English-language version, will bring happiness to many besides the authors alone. We have designed this book so as to be a useful reference tool for beginning and advanced learners alike. Moreover, our book has the useful feature of a dictionary-or textbook-like design for ease of use by the learner, In this revised edition, we have tried to exclude all archaic and dialect patterns, and to incorporate any and all grammatical items which are essential and/or important for the learner to master. We have also paid special attention to the question of presentation, sequencing and indexing 0 as to make searching easier for the user, Another new feature of this, edition is that we have included the practice exercises in a separate, iy Authors’ Preface supplementary volume. ‘The authors have planted this sapling called Korean Grammar on the basis of the experience and enthusiasm gained over the course of more than thirty years in the classroom. But this young tree has not grown by dint of the authors’ care and attention alone, We wish to acknowledge that each and every branch and leaf of this tree owes its growth to the nourishment provided in the form of encouragement and criticism from many individuals, We will never forget our debt of gratitude to those who, in the course of using these materials in earlier versions, have pointed out problems and mistakes to us. We are grateful to 212 484d for her hard work in the process of correcting and proofing the final version of the book, We are also grateful to the Yonsei University Press for agreeing to publish the book. Last but not least, we hope that this grammar book will become a friend and companion for all those learning Korean in our global village, ‘and that in future, the single-minded devotion of the authors and the dedicated commitment of our readers will combine to produce even better versions of this book. May 20, 2001 ‘The authors Translator’s Preface It is with a sense of great embarrassment and shame that | realize over three years have passed since I agreed to undertake the translation of 9] SUE a1 ao] EH. | felt compelled to take on the project for a number of reasons — out of a sense of responsibility to a young field like ours with so few readily available reference works; out of a sense of admiration and respect for the book and its capable authors, all three seasoned experts in Korean language education fram one of the field's most prestigious institutions; and out of a desire to learn more myself. ‘Translating the work of others in one’s own field is no easy task. One is tempted to cut here, nip there, amend this, fix that, and in general slip in or cut out tidbits of information based on one’s own training, biases, knowledge and ignorance. Certainly [ am guilty of this type of editorial arrogance in numerous places, but I console myself with the reminder that the authors gave me considerable license to produce an Englieh- language work that would be most effective for English-speaking stu. dents of Korean. It has been my assumption throughout the project that the reader of this volume is a highly motivated learner of Korean, and one who already has some competence in the language. Thus, I have tried to make my translations of example sentences as colloquial as I can, In cases where a colloquial translation seemed to stray too far from the literal sense of an example (and especially in cases where it did so at the expense of elucidation of the grammatical feature being highlighted), I have also included, in parentheses, a more literal rendition. ‘The original Korean-language version of this book appears to have been targeted more at would-be teachers of Korean to foreign learners

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