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Being a Good Citizen Rubric Name: _____________________________

Question: Being a good citizen at school? Being a good citizen with people? Being a good citizen in the outdoor environment? Being a good citizen at home? Accomplished Developing Beginning 4 Points 2 Points 0 Points You were able to You were able to You were not able to identify 2 ways of identify 1 way of identify any ideas of being a good citizen at being a good citizen at being a good citizen at school. school. school. You were able to You were able to You were not able to identify 2 ways of identify 1 way of identify any ideas of being a good citizen being a good citizen being a good citizen with other people. with other people. with other people. You were able to You were able to You were not able to identify 2 ways of identify 1 way of identify any ideas of being a good citizen being a good citizen being a good citizen in the outdoor in the outdoor in the outdoor environment. environment. environment. You were able to You were able to You were not able to identify 2 ways of identify 1 way of identify any ideas of being a good citizen at being a good citizen at being a good citizen at home. home. home. Score

Comments: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________ Total Score: ______ /16

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