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Pocket Informant 8

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My View Timers
Once you have congured a My View to your liking, you may want to setup that My View to automatically be applied at certain times. To set a My View to be applied at a specic time simply go to the My View Manager, select the My View and then select Set Filter Schedule in the menu. You will be presented with the lter schedule dialog. Here you can enable the schedule and tell Pocket Informant what times and days to enable it. You can set the My View to automatically come on during work hours, off work hours, or a custom schedule for weekdays and weekends. This schedule does not enforce this My View to show during these times, it simply tells Pocket Informant when to apply the schedule. The My View will not be unapplied at the end of the time. If you start Pocket Informant after the start time of a My View, Pocket Informant will apply that My View (if it has not already been applied). If Pocket Informant applies a My View and then you change it, it will not be reapplied until the next time the My View is set to be applied.

My View Manager
The My View manager allows you to see the full list of My Views, for all the views, and delete any if necessary. Each My View is preceded by an icon indicating which type of view this is. In the My View Manager you can set shortcuts and auto-timing settings

Here you can change the colors settings for the many elements of Pocket Informant. Once you have changed the colors, you can save your color scheme from the Pocket Informant Tools > Color Schemes menu. Color schemes hold all the colors for the entire application. Because we change color preferences on occasion from one release to another (to provide more options), sometimes old color schemes may not look as good as newer color schemes.

To set your colors just choose the Settings or Customize this View... menu and go to the Colors button in the Settings window. Find the view and color you need to change, tap on it. You have three ways to change the color. One is to use the three sliders. The second is to type in an HTML color. And the third is the Choose Color button which brings up the Microsoft Color Scheme.

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