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Elthorne Park High School- Flipped learning roll out [Type text]

February 2013 - KS5 Teaching and learning proposal circulated to ML 27th March A small sample of Year 11 met with EWO to discuss flipped learning 22nd April - (PSHEE) Current Year 12 introduced to flipped learning theory 29th April - Whole staff meeting- to introduce flipped learning and the technological implications Week of 29th April- Introduce flipped learning to Year 11 (Friday assembly?) 1st May - Year 12 Parents meeting to introduce the UCAS process and flipped learning 2nd May - DLI/VWE training to ML and ML (plus remaining SLT) issued iPads (21 devices required) Sixth Form teachers distributed iPads asap after this point

15th May - remaining Sixth Form teachers receive VWE/DLI session. 24th June - Year 12 issued iPads temporarily until the end of term for testing/pilot. Re-issued in Sept. 3rd July - In school -Year 11 induction to include iPad training and flipped learning theory Training for whole staff on flipped learning theory?

22nd August - GCSE results day- stack of iPads/boxes needed with Agreement and AUP given to students. 3rd September - First day back for students- Year 13 issued iPads 21st October - Year 12 issued iPads.

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