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LINK MANAGEMENT: Here the web links for the various departments should be added including link details,

name of the link and detailed info. There should be option of enabling or disabling the links as per the current requirement. i) Input
Field Length tender_dept_name 500 nvarchar(500) Field Type Field Attributes INF Constraints (Not NUll) No

Field Description

ii) Button Show

Buttons should be available on Screen Action on Click Search department wise tender details.

This functionality allows the State Moderator to approve the pending Announcements and Documents so that it becomes accessible to the common Public.

Use case
Use Case ID: Use Case Name : Actors: None None None


Functionality shall be available to the detail of tenders are live or closed. None


Preconditions :


Post conditions:


Normal Flow:

1) Search department wise tender details 2) Read Live or closed No. of Tenders department wise. 3) Read or download tender document. None None None None High 1) The User should have the facility to download the required tender documents 2) The User should read the downloaded document thoroughly. None None

Alternative Flows: Exceptions: Includes: Priority: Frequency of Use: Business Rules:

Special Requirements: Assumptions :

Notes and Issues


Data Dictionary
Data Dictionary
Field name flname tender_fldetail fldate flsize fltype filedata date1 date2 Data Type nvarchar(50) nvarchar(255) datetime nvarchar(50) nvarchar(50) Image Datetime Datetime Field Description Document File Name Department Name Tender Date Document File Size Document File Type Document Tender Open Date Tender Close Date

tender_subject Lang Id Tender_dept_id sub_department

nvarchar(100) nchar(1) numeric(18, 0) Int nvarchar(500)

Tender Subject Language Record ID Department ID Department Details

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