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What is this event and what is Britain hoping to get out of it?

Were the Berlin Olympics of 1936 a success for Hitler?

Card-sort instructions
1) Read through the cards. 2) Sort them into two piles: - Those that show the Berlin Olympics as a success for Hitler. - Those that show them as a failure. 3) Try to sort each pile into an order of importance.

Success and failure for Hitler

Hitler could showcase the Nazi regime and its great organisation. The anti-Jewish feeling in Germany was hidden from the world. The Berlin stadium was one of the most modern in the world. Other facilities were impressive too.

Failures Lutz Lang did not win gold. Jesse Owens won 4 gold medals.
The black American athletes won more golds than any individual country. Hitler refused to shake hands with victorious black athletes. Hitlers teachings on white supremacy were proven untrue.

49 countries were represented there. The games were a great success.

The Berlin Olympic, 1936


Were the 1936 Olympics a success for Hitler?


Task 2: Produce a news report on the successes of Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics of 1936. Talk about the overall success of the games, and Hitlers reactions to Owens, too.

Nazi Germany bingo

Hitler Reichstag Fire Night of the Long Knives Brownshirts Gestapo S.S Hitler Youth Edelweiss Pirates Stauffenberg Volkswagen White Rose Movement Goebbels Jesse Owens Berlin

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