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Payment Receipt

Sant Longowal Insitute of Engineering & Technology

Print Date: 20 A pr 2013 A /c No: 0754000101110820 (C opy for C andidate)

Punjab National Bank

Instructions f or f ee collecting Branch "U s e FC M BR menu in FI N A C L E " I ns titution I D "SL I E T " , c ollec tion c ode "C O U N S"

Form N o.: C andidate N ame: D ate of birth: C ategory: C ours e: A mount: M obile N o: E - Slip N o.:

55915 H A RM A N J E E T SI N G H 1 7 M ar 1 9 9 7 SC C ertific ate - (SE T - 1 ) 5 0 0 /- + Rs . 2 0 /- as Bank C harges 9356433005 5591511 D epos itors Signature ---------------------------For Bank Use Only:---------------------------

D ate of D epos it: T rans ac tion I d: Branc h C ode: Signature of Banks A uthority/ O ffic al(with s eal)

Note:- Kindly Enter Transaction Id and Branch Code. D is c lamer : SL I E T does not own any liability whats oever for fee depos its not- reported/ mis - reported/reported late by any bank N ote : Kindly c hec k and c onfirm your payment s tatus at http://www.s after 4 8 hours of depos it



Punjab National Bank

Print Date: 20 A pr 2013 A /C No: 0754000101110820 (C opy for Bank)

Instructions f or f ee collecting Branch "U s e FC M BR menu in FI N A C L E " I ns titution I D "SL I E T " , c ollec tion c ode "C O U N S" Form N o: C andidate N ame: D ate of birth: C ategory: C ours e: A mount: M obile N o: E - Slip no.: 55915 H A RM A N J E E T SI N G H 1 7 M ar 1 9 9 7 SC C ertific ate - (SE T - 1 ) 5 0 0 /- + Rs . 2 0 /- as Bank C harges 9356433005 5591511 D epos itors Signature ---------------------------For Bank Use Only:--------------------------D ate of D epos it : T rans ac tion I d: Branc h C ode: Signature of Banks A uthority/ O ffic al(with s eal)

Note:- Kindly Enter Transaction Id and Branch Code.

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