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7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Unit 6 Changes and Choices

Reading Requirements To prepare for the changes and choices you have before you, we will discuss themes and ideas related to habits, choices, and changes. For this next unit, we will embark on a new kind of book club using the text The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey. Each student will be responsible for reading and taking notes on the first chapter or habit as an entire class. The remainder of the text will be divided up into six parts. Each student will be responsible for reading and taking notes on the assigned text in class. Afterward, students will work with those assigned the same text and teach a chapter or habit to the rest of the students. Chapter Notes Each student will complete a set of Cornell Notes following the guidelines on the PowerPoint presented. The headings in the chapter will become the important ideas and the information provided under each heading will become details to share later in the group project. Students will be given a formative grade for notes and a summative grade for the summary/reflection. Group Presentation Project Together with members from his or her group, each student will put together a presentation over the assigned chapter or habit. The purpose of this assignment is to not only inform fellow classmates on the information provided in each assigned chapter, but to also show an understanding of the audience (teenagers) and can use tones, formats, styles and activities that accurately meet the needs of the audience. Each presentation will include the following: 1. A PowerPoint presentation covering the information in the chapter. 2. A handout with fill-in-the-blank notes so classmates can follow along with the presentation 3. An in-class activity (nothing that requires homework) that explores the main idea of the chapter. a. Discussion Questions b. Game c. Any other activity that covers the main idea 4. Ten question quiz (a blank quiz and an answer key) that accurately assesses how well your classmates learned the information from your chapter. 5. A poster( no larger than 11x14) that gives a visual representation of your habit.

Bakita 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

PowerPoint Fill-in-the-blank notes handout Time allotted for PowerPoint: _______________________________________________ 1. PowerPoint Graphic/Picture on EVERY slide (including title slide) MAX 6 8 words per bullet point Must include ALL important information from that chapter MAX TIME: 10 minutes Each person should present a portion of the PowerPoint DO NOT READ DIRECTLY FROM THE SLIDE!!! 2. Notes Handout CANNOT be a print-out of your slideshow must be a separate handout Should go in the order of your slideshow Cover ALL the important information from the chapter Should have one blank for every minute of your PowerPoint (10 mins = 10 blanks) 3. In-class Activity Time allotted for activity: __________________________________________________ Must be directly related to some element in your chapter Must be completed in class Allow for active participation from ALL class members Should be an activity geared towards middle school. It should be something you would enjoy doing in class Fill out a lesson plan form for your activity You must write on the board the objective for your lesson (what the students are supposed to learn from it). Your lesson plan and any handouts that go along with this activity need to be turned in 4. Quiz Ten Questions (should be a variety of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc.) Cover ALL the important information from the chapter Must provide the answers to your classmates after they are done taking the quiz and must be able to defend your answer. 5. Poster MUST BE IN COLOR! Use a poster board (11 x 14 size) or power point /word document Should be a visual representation of your habit with explanation and examples (if applicable) Must be able to be read from anywhere in the class Hand-drawn pictures and graphics from the internet and magazines are okay NEATNESS AND EFFORT COUNT!

Bakita 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Name of Habit: Objective: The goal of this activity is to This is where you write what the ultimate goal is for your activity, what you want your classmates to learn from it. For example, if you are having the class play a trust game so they can learn to depend on one another, your objective might say, The goa l of this activity is for all of us to learn how to trust each other and to know we can depend on each other no matter what. How this activity ties into this Habit: Explain how this activity is connected with the main ideas of your Habit. You must use complete sentences. Materials Needed: List all of the materials you will need to complete your activity (including handouts). Procedure: Write down the procedure for your activity. Make sure you put down WHEN you will tell the class the objective for your activity. For example: 1. Have students pick a partner. 2. Have each pair line up so one partner is directly in front of the other. 3. Explain to each student the objective (This activity will help us learn how to trust each other and that we can depend on each other no matter what). 4. Demonstrate the trust fall to the class using someone from my group. 5. Make each catcher line up in the proper position so I can verify that they are doing it correctly. Also make sure the fallers are in the proper position as well. 6. Let the students do their trust falls a few times. 7. Have the partners switch. Before they fall, go around and make sure the new fallers and catchers are in the proper position. 8. Let them fall. 9. Have everyone go back to their seats. Talk about how the trust fall made them initially feel and if they learned to trust their partner. 10. Explain to the class how this activity fits in with the Habit. Assessment: Have __________ distribute the quiz and begin the assessment of what the class learned.

Bakita 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Lesson Plan for In-Class Activity Group # ___ Group Members ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Habit: Objective: The goal of this activity is to

How this activity ties into this Habit:

Materials Needed:


Assessment: Have __________ distribute the quiz and begin the assessment of what the class learned.

Presentation Due Dates: ____________________________

Bakita 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Due Dates and Checklist Read the chapter and write notes/ summaries (Everyone does this individually) __________________________________ Create a lesson plan using the form provided to map out how you intend to teach the lesson. __________________________________ Create a PowerPoint Presentation maximum 10 minutes. ____________________________________ Create a notes handout of the notes you took while reading the chapter. You should have one blank for every minute of your presentation. ____________________________________ Create an in-class activity game. ___________________________________ Create a quiz 10 questions using multiple choice, fill in the blank, etc. __________________________________ Create a poster board to use as a visual aid during your presentation ___________________________________

Brainstorming discuss questions below with your group and then write out your answers on a separate paper What makes a good presentation? How do groups work best? What makes a bad presentation? When are groups not productive?

Bakita 2013

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