Press Release 1234

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Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (OBCA) Press Release: April 21, 2013 For immediate Release: Contact:Parasar Dahal

(515-770-3492), Manoj Rai (904-514-6107) Padam Bharati (860-890-1660) 4th National Convention Organizing Committee Coordinators Jiden Rai(720-335-2716), Sher Mizar (720-468-8682) Program Organizing Committee Coordinators, Colorado _______________________________________________________________________ The Organization of Bhutanese Communities in America (OBCA) is proud to announce detail of its 4 th National Convention to be held in Denver, Colorado from June 14 to June 16, 2013. The condensed features of the convention program will be the update and highlight on the community issue and challenges in different cities and states by the representatives, election to the board and executive, refugee day celebration in collaboration with the Global Bhutanese Community Colorado (GBCC) and the Colorado state refugee coordination unit, inter-state cultural program, picnic organize by the host state, sessions on mental health, culture, Non-resident Bhutanese (NRB) and the role of youths in present day situation besides other fund raising events. The 14th evening will begin with registration and formal and informal networking mixed up with dinner reception of the convention participants at 6:00 pm mountain time by the GBCC. The convention opening ceremony, states community update and highlight, separate sessions on mental health and suicide in Bhutanese community, culture and the role of youths in community, election to the Board and Executive and site visit with picnic will be covered on the second day. The discussion on the NRB will be held after the picnic is over. The third day will begin with deliberation on the organizational activities and future plans and programs, Refugee Day celebration, introduction of the newly elected OBCA executive and board members, annual OBCA recognition session and the featuring of inter-state cultural programs. The members of the Executive, Board, Committee Secretaries and Regional Executive members will reach Colorado on/before June 13, 2013. On this occasion, on behalf of the OBCA and its 4th National Convention Organizing Committee and Program Organizing Committee in Colorado, we jointly would like to extend our greetings to all the Bhutanese in America and abroad and also extend our hearty well come to all to this annual community jamboree. We also seek your wishes; support and participation in this event to make it happen the way Bhutanese diaspora aspire for. Further, the airport pick up and drop off will be arranged by the GBCC and will need to contact any one of the coordinators and the name of the airport is Denver International Airport (DIA).

LONG LIVE BHUTANESE DIASPORA Sincerely, Manoj Kr. Rai Press and Publicity Secretary OBCA, USA

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