Arabian Nights

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Activity worksheets


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Tales from the Arabian Nights

While reading Chapter 1, pages 12 1 Who is it? Write the correct names from the box. Shariar the vizir Sheherezade Dunyazade a b c d An important man who helped the sultan The vizirs daughter and Shariars new wife The sultan or ruler of the country Sheherezades sister

b The sultans , Masrour, began to laugh. c He said to the sultan, Yesterday I saw a big fat . d He told funny . e The mans was Abdurrazak. f Masrour went to Abdurrazaks . g Masrour said to Abdurrazak, The sultan will give you a lot of . h When he gives you your fee, give to me. i Abdurrazak was unhappy but in the he said yes. j So people in the laugh at you. the sultan said to Abdurrazak. Will I laugh at you, too?

Chapter 2, pages 28 2 What happens first? Put these sentences in order (113). a A bird caught Salem by his clothes and carried him to a wonderful place. c b One day he pushed open a door and went through it. c c Salem broke open the door. c d Salem lost the money and the houses. c e Salem married a beautiful woman and he was very happy. c f Salem met an old man in the street. c g Salem went down the stairs, through a cave and to the sea. c h Salem went through the door and found some stairs. c i Salem went to be a servant at the old mans house. c j Salem worked hard in the house for many years. c k Salems father died. c l Salem got a lot of money and houses from his father. c m The old man died and left the house and his money to Salem. c Chapter 3, pages 811 3 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. end half house man money name night servant stories street a The great Sultan Haroun said to his vizir, The is long. I want it shorter.
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Chapter 4, pages 1116 4 There is one word wrong in each of these sentences. Underline the wrong word and write the correct one. a Faisal was a rich young man but he didnt have a life. b One day, he saw a beautiful young girl at a door. c Then a man on a house came into the street. d Is that her mother? Faisal thought. e He went home but he couldnt eat or drink. f An old man worked in Faisals house. g He told her he was ill. h The old woman spoke to the girl about Friday. i The girl said, Faisal cant come and see me on Friday. Chapter 5, pages 1620 5 Put the words in the right places. at away for in inside into of on out under a Every week Ali put a small piece of gold the jar under the floor. b When he was 50, he took the jar. c There were more than a thousand gold pieces .

Tales from the Arabian Nights - Activity worksheets  of 2

Activity worksheets


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Tales from the Arabian Nights

d He bought some olives and put them on top the gold. e Ali went a journey. f One day, when Ali was Syria, Husein opened the jar of olives. g The olives the top were very old and dry. h Husein took the olives out and threw them . i Ali came back after seven years and asked his olives. j There was no gold the olives.

Chapter 8, pages 2832 8 There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistakes and correct them. a The thieves came back to the house. b They didnt find the four pieces of Ali Baba. c Some thieves went into the town and talked to Kasim. d The shoemaker told the thief, Last week I made forty pieces of a dead man into one piece. e Some weeks later a man came to Kasims house with thirty-nine jars. f He said the jars had olives in them. g Ali Baba asked the man to bring in his horses and jars. h Marjana went to get some lamp and found a man in the jar. i Forty thieves were in the jars. Chapter 9, pages 3235 9 Match each statement with a response. 1 I can take something from everybody. 2 Can you take his donkey from him? 3 Wheres my donkey? 4 So you really changed into a donkey? 5 Wheres your donkey? a Oh, sir, dont ask me! b We have no donkey. c Yes, with a little help from you. d Yes. I ran outside into the street. e You think you can do that.

Chapter 6, pages 2024 6 Who said these? a I killed him when I hit him on the back. b I killed him when I knocked him downstairs. c I killed him when I hit him on the head. d I killed him when I kicked him. Chapter 7, pages 2428 7 Match these questions and answers. 1 What was the name of Ali Babas brother? 2 What was Ali Babas job? 3 What did the sound of horses mean to Ali Baba? 4 Where did he hide? 5 What words opened the cave? 6 What did Ali Baba find inside the cave? 7 Who did Ali Baba tell about the cave? 8 Who did Ali Babas wife tell? 9 Why couldnt Kasim get out of the cave? 10 Who told the doctor that Kasim was ill? a Gold and other beautiful things. b He couldnt remember the words. c He was a woodcutter. d His wife. e In a tree. f Kasim. g Kasims wife h Marjana i Open, Sesame! j Thieves.

c c c c c

Chapter 10, pages 3539 10 Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? a The man in the street was Aladdins uncle. c b The man wanted to buy Aladdin a shop. c c At the bottom of the stairs was a cave and a garden. c d Aladdin gave the lamp to the man. c e The ground closed over Aladdin because the man hit it three times. c f Aladdin said some words and a genie came out of the lamp. c g The genie helped Aladdin get home. c h Aladdin married the sultans daughter. c i The sultan gave them a lovely house. c j The lamp seller was really the magician. c k Aladdins wife knew about the lamp. c l The genie only worked for Aladdin. c
Tales from the Arabian Nights - Activity worksheets of 2

c Pearson Education Limited 2008

Progress test


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Tales from the Arabian Nights

1 Chapter 1: Match the two parts of the sentences. 1 The sultan cuts his first wifes head off because c 2 No woman wants to be the sultans new wife because c 3 The sultan cuts off the heads of his new wives after just one night so that c 4 The vizir is unhappy with his daughters plan because c 5 Sheherezade asks her sister to say Please tell me a story because c a he cuts her head off after one night. b he thinks the sultan will kill her. c no woman will hurt him again. d her plan is to tell a story and stops in an exciting place. e he finds her with another man. 2 Chapter 2: Write YES or NO. a Did an old man ask Salem to be a servant at his house? b Did Salem work hard for many years? c Did the old man ask Salem to open the door? d Did Salem open the door? e Is Salem happy at the end of the story? 3 Chapter 3: Who said these? 1 Are you laughing because I cant sleep? c c 2 Im thinking about something funny. c 3 So you have to give me something too. c 4 Thats one half of my fee. 5 My vizir will give you a hundred pieces of gold. c a Sultan Haroun b Masrour c Abdurrazak 4 Chapter 4: Are these sentences right (3) or wrong (7)? c a Faisal gave the barber some food. b Faisal waited for the barber to go to the girls house with him. c c c Faisal took some of the judges money. c d The judge hit his servant. c e The barber found Faisal in a large box. c f Faisal was happy about the barbers help. 5 Chapter 5: Choose the right italic words. a Ali had a jar under / on the floor of his shop. b Ali left the jar in / with Husein. c Ali was away for / in a long time.
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d Husein took the old olives in / out. e Husein put the new olives under / on the gold. Chapter 6: Match the people and their actions. 1 The fish seller c c 2 The doctor c 3 The bird seller c 4 The rich man a carried the dwarf down the street to a big house. b climbed the doctors stairs and sat the dwarf down outside his door. c found the dwarf in front of his house. d threw the dwarf over the wall. Chapter 7: Choose the correct words. 1 The thief said, Open, Sesame / Salt ! 2 Ali Baba showed the gold to his son / wife. 3 Kasim / Kasims wife went to the cave. 4 Marjana is Ali Babas / Kasims servant. 5 Marjana is a clever / stupid girl. Chapter 8: Put these sentences in order 15. a The last thief was dead, too. c b The shoemaker took one thief to Kasims house. c c c A man asked Marjana, Is it time? c d The thieves couldnt find the dead man. c e An oil seller came to kasims house. Chapter 9: Put the words from the box in the right places. town donkey gave behind surprised a The thief walked the man. b The man pulled a person, not his . c The man was very . d The man some money to the thief. e The man saw his old donkey in the . 10 Chapter 10: Choose the correct answers. 1 Who stopped Aladdin in the street? a A magician from Morocco. b His fathers brother. 2 What was there at the bottom of the stairs? a A river. b A cave. 3 What did Aladdin ask genie to do first? a To take him home. b To bring his dinner. 4 Who did Aladdin marry? a a servant girl b the sultans daughter
Tales from the Arabian Nights - Progress test  of 1

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