Poetry - Dried Tears

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Dried Tears It likes the rain when it drops Like a flowing river when shed Eyes like drowning

falls in the mountain Lashes and lid like a morning mist and dew Like a lagoon the eyes Like a creek side that pass the side nose Like an open floodgates when hurt and in pain Like a shore in the sea when crying in heartbreaks It runs down when a faucet of misery opens It explodes like a balloon overblown with full of rage, passion, and hatred It cracks down like an aquarium full of fishes of frustrations and sands of depressions Like a fire hose that pumps toward to the fire of grief and sorrow After weeping and mourn All wetness of emotional ache All the distress that pour down in the eyes will become Dried Tears It will shed again But in tears of joy Tears of happiness and success Tears of abundant love and peace And tears of fulfilled blissful dreams to our heart and to our soul

Author: Bong Herbert Guitang

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