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Scoring System

This monumental event will be graded by a basic leader board

system with the top team overall being awarded the MN trophy of
complete total and utter awesomeness! Teams will be teams of 2 as this is
the most convenient amount of team members for wii games. Points will
be allocated after each event. The following points will be allocated for
the final placement in each event:

1st -10pts 6th - 2pts

2nd -7pts 7th - 1pts

3rd - 5pts 8th - 0pts

4th - 4pts 9th - 0pts

5th - 3pts 10th - -1pts (clearly you sucked)

If we have less than 10 teams (20 people) which is quite likely then
the 0pts will go away (ie whoever finishes last is getting -1pts, cus
well you should be punished for being incompetent).

Mario Kart

The teams race against each other in a pre-determined game mode.

Teams will be drawn against one another based on a who wants to
take on who basis, once the full circuit is complete (4 races per
circuit) your final position will be recorded, your position and your
partners position will be added together. The team with the lowest
score (ie 1st place in the circuit =1pt, 2nd place=2pts etc…) overall
gets the top points for this event (10pts) and so on and so forth.

Guitar Hero

Teams play in their pairs and pick a full set of 6 songs (or less). The
team with the highest score over their full set will win the full 10pts
for this event and so on and so forth. Team members can choose
their instrument from the guitar, bass, vocals or drums. If teams are
particularly egger, then you can choose 3 of the above (ie
vocals+guitar and bass). Teams have the choice of their own
difficulty level (easy, medium, hard), teams who choose to play at a
harder difficulty level than easy will get 1.1times points (cus easy is
piss easy people!).

Wii Sports

Teams will play each other on a bring it on basis, choosing their own
sport to play. This round will be knock out, so choose a team who
look really easy because your not gonna get through otherwise, the
winner of the final game gets 10pts, the loser gets the 7pts and
playoffs will be played for all of the following positions.

TV Show Quiz

Teams will play in their pairs against another team. In a 9round

game (less if its taking freaking ages). The teams will be ranked on
a basis of who wins the most money in the game show. There will be
no penalty for any form of cheating in this phase, including shouting
out the answers!


This game will probably not be played as well the girls are gonna
moan about having to play a manly sports game. This game will
therefore be the tiebreak between any teams that are equal on the
overall leader board. Obviously it will be a basic game between the
2 teams that are tied. Plus us guys will probably play this game
whilst the women folk are moaning about how annoying we are or
how gorgeous Edward Cullen is.

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