Borelli Recall Revolution

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For Immediate Release: April 24, 2013 Contact: David Carr, 718-967-5194


Assemblyman Joe Borelli (R,C,I-South Shore) today stood with Assembly Minority Leader Brian M. Kolb (R,C,I-Canandaigua), Assemblyman James Tedisco (R,C,I-Glenville) and several colleagues in the Assembly Minority Conference to call for an amendment to the state constitution. The amendment being proposed would give power to the voters of New York to call for recall elections to combat corrupt politicians. I think many people are upset with the amount of corruption impacting government on all levels, said Borelli. This measure would put the power to combat corruption in the hands of the voters, where it belongs. Allowing recall elections is an option and I look forward to working with my colleagues to find a real solution to the corruption that is plaguing government in our state. In the wake of recent arrests and indictments of elected officials, several anticorruption proposals have been put forth. However, none have enabled the voting public an opportunity to play a direct and timely role in rooting out corruption. Nineteen other states currently allow recall elections. Under the proposed legislation, the recall process would be initiated by a specific number of voters signing a petition to remove an elected official and presenting that petition to the Secretary of State. Once signatures are certified, the Governor would set a date for a recall election. A recall election would then be conducted to determine whether or not the official is removed from office. Without the power to conduct recall elections, elected officials charged with public corruption crimes are able to retain their respective government seats during lengthy and tedious legal processes, all while receiving their taxpayer-funded salaries.

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