Internet Addiction Práctica

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Nombre: __________________________________________________________ Fecha: ____________

deal with: tratar through: a travs de yet: todava until: hasta (que) traits: rasgos come out: emerger threaten: amenazar fire: despedir largest: el ms grande to date: hasta el momento widespread: extendido took off: hicieron famosas profile: perfil geek: persona experta en computadoras turned out: result average: promedio age: edad early: al principio de los ratio: proporcin retirees: jubilados savings: ahorros gamble away: perder dinero en apuestas

Treating internet addiction

Dr Elias Aboujaoude deals with patients suffering a particularly modern condition. Louise Ridley speaks to the psychiatrist who treats pathological internet use Are disorders caused by the internet recognised by the medical world? They havent been verified through studies yet. Until these are conducted, we cant credibly call something a disorder or pathology. But what my colleagues and I see is that people are transformed into a different version of themselves online. Narcissism, impulsivity, regression and grandiosity are personality traits that come out in many people and have real consequences in terms of their lives offline. Why did you start treating disorders caused by the net? I live in Silicon Valley: the birthplace of the net. People started coming to our clinic saying things like My wife wants to leave me because I wait for her to go to sleep so I can check my email one more time. Or My boss threatened to fire me because of inappropriate internet use. We conducted the largest study to date on internet addiction, which showed us its a widespread phenomenon. And that was in 2006, before Facebook and smartphones really took off. Who is your typical patient? We expected the typical profile to be that of a twenty-something male geek, but it turned out the average age was in the early forties and there was no significant male-to-female ratio. I have patients who are 17-year-old high-school students who are addicted to videogames and retirees who have became completely enamoured with the net. Enamoured to the point where they spend their savings on purchases they dont need or gamble their savings away. READING ACTIVITIES 1. Write 4 words OR phrases related to Internet from the text.

2. Write 4 words OR phrases related to addiction from the text.

3. Read the text again. Now write one question in Spanish. ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Answer these questions in Spanish. a. According to the text , whos Dr Elias Aboujaoude ? b. Can we call Internet addiction a disorder? Explain b. Mention four things that can possibly characterize an internet addict. 1. _________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________ 4. _________________________ c. Are Facebook and smartphones responsible for Internet addiction? Explain d. Who is a typical patient for Dr. Dr Elias Aboujaoude e. Complete the following sentence: Hay pacientes que _____________________ sus _________________________ en compras que ellos no______________________________ o ___________________________. f. What do the following words refer to: 1. it (Paragraph 3): ____________________ 1. They (Paragraph 4): ______________________ g. Translate the underlined nominal groups:

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