Martin Luther PPT 2

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Martin Luther and the Churchs Response

Kristen Jackson

Do Now
If you were a Church official and you read Luthers 95 Theses, how would you react?

Students will be able to explain the Churchs response to Martin Luther

Do Now Housekeeping Finish 95 Theses Activity Notes Believing Game

God is the only one who can forgive sins We should repent to God, not a bishop Church asked Christians to ask for forgiveness from bishops/priests

Sale of Indulgences
It is by love and good deeds that Christians gain access to heaven, not by their donations to the Church The Church was selling the idea of getting into heaven, but you cannot pay your way there

The only being that can save a soul is God, not the Pope or the church The Church professed that they could redeem peoples souls from purgatory

Power of Indulgences
Its not Christian to say that you have to buy your way into heaven The church was requiring the purchase of indulgences in order to gain access to heaven which is not Biblical

St. Peters Church

Pope should be willing to donate his own money and not take money his people dont have to fund the church The church was too elaborate It is not right to say your soul will be redeemed if you give money to build this church

Video CfaI I notice/I wonder

Church Response
In 1520 Pope Leo X excommunicated Martin Luther for heresy
Church feared a growing movement against Catholicism lead by Luther

In response, Martin Luther burns the canon law and the excommunication memo He then becomes an outlaw, travels to Germany and translates the Bible into German

Diet of Worms Martin Luthers Trial

Martin Luther is summoned to either deny or reaffirm the beliefs he expressed in the 95 Theses Charged by the Emperor as a heretic, was denounced, and they sought to arrest him Anyone who supported him would be denounced as well Was protected by German princes

Protestant Reformation
95 Theses prompted the Protestant Reformation While in Germany, Luther translated the Bible and continued to preach what became Lutheran sermons

Believing Game
Two sides: Church and Martin Luther Write 3 main points for your side to present Once that team has presented, ask them questions to clarify their points

Respond to the prompt

Between Martin Luther and the Church, who was justified? If you were in the jury at Martin Luthers trial, would you vote in favor of prosecuting him of heresy or no? Explain.

Scientific Revolution Gallery Walk

Summarize any FOUR of the scientists work that is posted on the wall in your graphic organizer.

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