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The Constitution of the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Students Association

In this constitution, CESA refers to the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Students Association. Members of CESA refers to anyone currently enrolled in the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Program. The Student Executive representing CESA shall be known as the CESA Executive. Program shall refer to any and all faculty and staff of Queens University Faculty of Education currently placed on site at Trent University Peterborough campus, and working with teacher candidates in the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Program. The Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Students Association (CESA) shall be represented by a student executive whose function is to deal constructively with any and all of the concerns and needs of its membership. The provisions of this constitution shall delineate the roles and responsibilities of the representatives of the CESA membership. Every member of CESA has the following rights: The right to have access to CESA executive meetings; The right to be fairly represented to the Administration and Queens University, Faculty of Education; The right to be kept up-to-date on actions of groups relevant to the Program, such as Queens University Faculty of Education Administration, etc; The right to run for a position on the CESA Executive; and The right to have access to all workshops and social events coordinated by the CESA Executive. Mission Statement: The CESA Executive is committed to inclusion and equal opportunity. During each academic year, the CESA Executive will work toward three primary objectives. The CESA Executive is dedicated to providing opportunities for Professional Development to the CESA membership. Professional Development will take the form of Professional Learning at teacher-education conferences or workshops. The CESA Executive devoted to Community Outreach projects in both the Trent and Peterborough community. These Community Outreach Projects will be aimed at providing the Members of CESA with opportunities to give back to their community in a positive manner. The CESA Executive is committed to creating a sense of community among the Members of CESA. This sense of community will be created through both professional and social events and occasions. 1. The objectives and purposes of the CESA Executive are: a. To represent the needs of students in the Program to members of Trent University, Queens University Faculty of Education, the greater Peterborough community, and each other; b. To make a commitment to providing opportunities for Professional Development to Members of CESA;

c. To participate positively in matters of human rights and community outreach; d. To provide opportunities that will enrich members academic achievements; e. To assume a visible leadership role with commitment to communication between students and faculty within the Program; f. To provide professional and social opportunities to foster a sense of community among the Members of CESA; g. To raise funds sufficient to support the operating budget; and h. To ensure the publication of a written forum for CESA membership. 2. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the CESA Executive shall be the recognized authority representing the Members of CESA to all external bodies. The CESA Executive, without restricting the generality of the foregoing, has the power: a. To decide on the operating budget for the CESA Executive; b. To make by-laws for the conduct of affairs; c. To choose from among the Members of CESA officers not provided for in this Constitution as it deems necessary; and d. To reserve the right to amend this Constitution once per term in office to ensure its integrity and relevance. 3. The CESA executive shall consist of the following positions: a. President; b. Vice President; c. Treasurer; d. Secretary; e. Community and Human Issues Representative; f. The Red Apple Editors (Senior and Junior); g. Class Representatives (2 for first year, 1 for years two, three and four): h. Social Affairs Representatives (Senior and Junior); i. Communications Coordinator; j. Professional Development Coordinator (Senior and Junior); k. Clothing Coordinator; l. Faculty Adviser. 4. The responsibilities of these offices shall be as follows: All Executive members i. To sit on the CESA Executive; ii. To establish a working calendar of events; iii. To keep records relevant to their position to be passed on to the individual who will be holding their position in the following academic year; iv. To deposit all CESA monies and a financial statement by the next meeting after each CESA event, lecture, etc., with the Treasurer; v. To be responsible for duties outside their position descriptions as volunteered for or as delegated by the President and Vice President; vi. To present themselves to the Members of CESA within the first two weeks of the academic term, including description of the duties of their position;

vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv.

To hold regular office hours in the CESA Office as assigned by the Secretary (These hours are to be decided by the executive as necessary for events such as conference set-up, clothing orders, ticket sales etc.); To organize and advertise all event information, workshops, lectures, etc. for events being coordinated by the CESA Executive; To attend a CESA Executive Retreat immediately following Fall Elections which will be planned by the President and/or Vice President; To attend all meetings, professional development, social events, etc. hosted by the CESA Executive; To send regrets at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to a CESA Executive meeting, professional development, social event, etc. to the President, Vice-President or Secretary if they are unable to attend; Ensure that the CESA Executive has adequate representation at Clubs and Groups Day in the fall and in the spring; To submit Red Apple articles in a timely manner; and To submit an event report to the CESA Executive at the next meeting following the event.

a. President i. To assume the position of Chair at all meetings of the CESA Executive; ii. To have a working knowledge of, Roberts Rules of Order by the beginning of the academic year; iii. To act as a spokesperson for the CESA Executive in accordance with the objectives determined by the CESA Executive and this Constitution; iv. To represent the CESA Executive at Program meetings; v. To be a voting member of Queens University Faculty of Education Faculty Board; vi. To sit on all CESA committees; vii. To maintain a high profile and professional image, to encourage a professional image among all of the CESA Executive members; viii. Must have one year of CESA Executive experience; ix. To assume responsibility for internal communications and grievances within the CESA Executive; x. To have co-signing responsibility for all CESA accounts; and xi. To plan with the Vice President a CESA Executive fall retreat to take place after the Fall Elections; xii. To be the liaison for communication between the CESA Executive and Queens CESA b. Vice President i. To assume the position of Chair at a meeting when in the absence of the President; ii. To have a working knowledge of Roberts Rules by the beginning of the academic year; iii. To represent the President when the President is unable to attend functions concerning CESA; iv. To be the Chief Electoral Officer for the Fall Elections; v. To assume the responsibility for internal communications and grievances within the CESA Executive; vi. To represent the CESA membership and the CESA Executive at Program meetings;

vii. viii. ix. x.

To be a voting member of Queens University Faculty of Education Faculty Board; To appoint a CESA Executive member who is not running in the subsequent election to serve as Chief Electoral Officer for the Spring Elections; Must have one year of CESA Executive experience; and To plan with the President a CESA Executive fall retreat to take place after the Fall Elections. c. Treasurer To be responsible for all aspects of CESA accounts and to ensure that all monies controlled or allocated by the CESA Executive are used for the purpose for which they were designated; To be Chief Signing Officer for all CESA accounts; To keep financial records; To present the financial report to the CESA Executive at each CESA Executive meeting; To publish a financial statement for CESA by the end of their term in office; To maintain communication with the Red Apple Senior Editor and the concerning monies allocated to the Red Apple; To create and maintain a working budget for the CESA Executive; and To sit on the Queens-Trent Conference Committee as Treasurer, assisting with managing finances for the conferences.

i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii.

d. Secretary i. To record minutes of all the CESA Executive meetings and to ensure that all copies of these minutes are sent to the CESA Executive; ii. To maintain a record of all CESA Executive correspondence and to send a copy of such to the President and Vice President; iii. To assemble a record of all minutes, motion sheets, and reports, to be stored, by term in the CESA archives; iv. To send cards of sympathy or congratulations as necessary, internally and externally; v. To organize and maintain a CESA Office Hour schedule for the CESA Executive; vi. To organize and maintain the CESA Office (i.e. Office Hour procedures, supplies, etc.) i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. e. Community and Human Issues Representative To promote awareness of current issues and issues continuing concern in the Peterborough community; To promote an understanding of human issues, including human sexuality, gender issues, special needs, and multi cultural issues within an educational context; To provide a forum for the CESA membership which identifies volunteer opportunities in the Peterborough community; To coordinate at least one workshop; To contribute timely articles to the Red Apple in consultation with the Red Apples Senior Editor; and To co-ordinate fundraising events with year representatives. f. Red Apple Senior Editor

i. ii.

iii. iv. v. vi.

To be filled by Junior Red Apple Editor, if this is not possible then candidate must have one year of CESA experience; To produce a written publication, the Red Apple, for all CESA members. One issue should be distributed in the Programs summer mailing. Three issues shall be produced during the term, with distribution months of October, December, and February, and one further issue shall be produced in conjunction with the subsequent Red Apple Senior Editor to be distributed in March; To ensure the Red Apples professional integrity; To submit, at least three days prior to the projected printing date, final galley proofs of each issue to the Coordinator of the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Program; To actively solicit submissions from the CESA membership; and To be responsible and accountable for all expenses related to the Red Apple.

g. Red Apple Junior Editor i. Will assume the position of Sr. Editor after one year; ii. To aid in the production of the Red Apple which entails thorough proofreading and editing of articles before sending them to the Sr. Red Apple Editor for formatting; iii. To ensure the Red Apples professional integrity; and iv. To assist in the distribution of the Red Apple to members of CESA. h. Class Representatives i. To act as a liaison between the CESA Executive and the CESA membership by selling and/or distributing all CESA material and making announcements regularly to their classmates; ii. To find (a) person(s) in other sections of the same year to help with the above duties; iii. To coordinate selection of charity which will be supported by the class during Inter-Year Challenge events; and iv. To promote and encourage an active link between the CESA Membership and the Peterborough Community. v. To play an active role in assisting other CESA executive members with specific planning and events. i. Senior Social Affairs Representative i. To be responsible for planning at least one social event per academic semester for members of CESA; ii. To submit timely announcements of social events to the Red Apple and Communications representative; iii. To organize the social, dedicated to first years, on the Sunday following Introductory Seminar Week; iv. To be filled by Junior Social Representative, if this is not possible then candidate must have one year of CESA executive experience i. ii. j. Junior Social Affairs Representative To assist the Senior Social Affairs Representative in planning events; and To fill the position of the Senior Social Affairs Representative the following year.

k. Communications Coordinator To maintain, update and monitor the CESA social media websites including the Trent intranet domain, facebook, online polls, etc.; ii. To advertise to all CESA members the upcoming CESA Executive meeting date, time and location; and iii. To coordinate publicity and communication of any CESA events to the CESA and Peterborough community as necessary. iv. To compile a list of all CESA notices, dates, events and workshops that will be distributed by the office via email at the beginning of each month. i. m. Senior Professional Development Coordinator To be filled by the Junior Professional Development Coordinator, if this is not possible, then the candidate must have one year of CESA experience; ii. To work throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall to plan and coordinate the Queens-Trent Conference on Education; iii. To either live in Peterborough for the summer, or have regular access to email and a phone to work on planning for the Queens-Trent Conference on Education; iv. To liaise with the Queens-Trent Concurrent Education office staff, Queens-Trent Concurrent Education Program Coordinator, Treasurer and other CESA Executive members in the planning and coordination of the Queens-Trent Conference on Education; v. To work with other members of the CESA Executive to plan professional development opportunities throughout the academic year; and vi. To co-chair with the Junior Professional Development Coordinator the Queens-Trent Conference Committee. i. n. Junior Professional Development Coordinator Will assume the position of Senior Professional Development Coordinator after one year; To assist the Senior Professional Development Coordinator in the planning and coordination of the Queens-Trent Conference on Education; iii. To either live in Peterborough for the summer, or have regular access to email and a phone to work on planning for the Queens-Trent Conference on Education; and iv. To co-chair with the Senior Professional Development Coordinator the Queens-Trent Conference Committee. i. ii. o. Clothing Coordinator i. To chose a clothing company to produce the CESA clothing that is in accordance with Trents Fair Trade policies; ii. To work in conjunction with the clothing company to select items and set prices for the CESA Clothing; iii. Coordinate at least two (2) Clothing Orders per academic year, one (1) of which will be specifically for the incoming First Year students. iv. To organize the clothing order for the Better in B.Ed social night. i. ii. p. Faculty Advisor To attend CESA executive meetings when possible; To attempt to the best of their ability to contribute to and provide resources for the CESA Executives planning;

iii. iv. v. vi.

To review and approve the Red Apple at least three days before printing; To inform the President and Vice-President about Queens University Education Faculty Board meetings, Program meetings, and the dates of activities planned by the program; To approach the Co-Presidents about appropriate places for student representation on external committees; and To be a non-voting member.

5. CESA Executive Meetings a. CESA Executive meetings shall be conducted in the spirit of Roberts Rules; b. The Chair shall prepare and distribute an agenda, in consultation with the President, Vice President, and Secretary, no less than four days prior to the meeting; c. Quorum shall be necessary to exercise the CESA Executives powers. Quorum is one-half (1/2) of the total number of voting members; d. The CESA Executive shall meet at least once per month during the academic term in office; e. All voting members of the CESA Executive, are expected to attend all meetings, and are permitted to be absent from no more than (1) meeting (extenuating circumstances will be considered); f. If a member of the CESA Executive is unable to attend a meeting, they must forward their regrets prior to the meeting to the President, Vice-President or Secretary at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting; g. Any Member of CESA has the right to speak at any CESA Executive meetings; h. The meetings of the CESA Executive shall be open to the public. i. If it is felt that a member of the CESA Executive has not performed their duties satisfactorily, that member may be dismissed with a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the CESA Executive; j. Voting by e-mail shall be permitted when time constraints occur. A motion must be initiated and seconded and all members must reply all with their vote. Normal voting stipulations are in effect for this voting process; and k. A set meeting day is to be set in the first meeting of the new CESA Executive. 6. Election Procedure a. General Information i. The CESA Executive shall govern for one term; ii. Any Member of CESA is eligible to run for a position on the CESA Executive; iii. The candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall take office; and iv. If there is only one person running for a position, a ratification vote (yes or no vote of confidence) shall take place in order to determine whether the person shall take office; v. Nominations shall be open for a period of approximately one week and should be submitted to the Chief Electoral officer; vi. Voting shall be open for one week and shall be conducted in classes via a ballot or online. Fall elections must be completed by the second Friday in October, prior to the October CESA Executive meeting; Spring elections

must take place between the last regular year meetings and the changeover meeting; and vii. Voting for specific class year representatives will only be voted upon by those enrolled in that class year. b. Spring Elections i. Election of the CESA Executive, excluding the First Year Representative, Jr. Red Apple, and Jr. Social Affairs Representative positions shall take place no later than March fifteenth (15th); ii. Elections should include an online vote by fourth year students for the position of Trent Liaison for the Education Students Society (ESS) for the executive active in their final year at Queens; iii. Speeches may be verbal, or written and distributed by electronic mail, and in classes at the discretion of the Chief Electoral Officer; and iv. The CESA Executive shall take office at the first meeting after elections, at which the previous CESA Executive shall be present. c. Fall Elections i. Election of the First Year Representative, Jr. Red Apple, Jr. Social Affairs Representative, and any positions not filled in the Spring Elections, shall take place before the fall retreat. ii. Details of the procedure should be worked out by the Chief Electoral Officer; and iii. In the event of a vacant position, the CESA Executive shall do one of the following: a. Leave the position vacant; b. Divide the related responsibilities among the CESA Executive; c. Appoint a Member of CESA to fill the position; or d. Conduct a by-election. 7. Constitutional Amendments a. Proposed revisions to this constitution must be presented by a Constitutional committee consisting of Members of CESA. The Constitutional Committee may only be struck by consensus of a majority of the CESA Executive; b. Amendments to this constitution must be passed by: i. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of the CESA Executive; or ii. A majority vote of the Members of CESA. Quorum must be reached in order for the amendment to be passed or denied. c. The CESA Executive shall be empowered to determine by a two-thirds (2/3) majority whether proposed amendments necessitate a referendum; and d. The CESA Executive may accept an amended constitution only once per term in office. Amendments were made to The CESA Constitution in: March 1999 January 2003 February 2004 February 2006 February 2007

October 2010 February 2011 February 2012 Respectfully Submitted by, Cedar Lockwood Queens-Trent CESA President On behalf of the CESA Executive of 2012-2013

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