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Lilburn Middle School 4994 Lawrenceville Highway Lilburn, GA 30047 Room 6.

038 Course: Business & Computer Science Grade 6

Course Instructor: Linda Douglas Website: Main Office: 770.921.1776 Email:
Parents: For fastest response, please contact me via email. If you do not have access to email, please call the main office and leave a message. I will make every effort to return your call the same day. If Im unable to return your call the same day, I will return your call within 24-hours. Course Objectives: The goal of this course is to provide all middle school students with an introduction to the principles of computer science, basic keyboarding skills, Internet safety and usage, and computer applications. Students will explore how personality traits and personal values align with career choices and will develop a career plan. Personal, professional, and ethical standards of behavior for the workplace will be examined and reinforced in the classroom.

Outline of Course
Week 1 Introduction to keyboarding -Develop keyboarding skills Information Systems -Classify computer component systems 21st Century Skills -Employability skills -Individual career plan Keyboarding drills Internet and Safety -Computer safety and file maintenance -Internet security issues -Internet as a resource Week 5 Computer Applications Introduction to Excel -Spreadsheet Basics -Calculating data Keyboarding drills Computer Applications Introduction to Excel -Creating graphs and charts -Using Excel to create databases Keyboarding drills Computer Applications Introduction to PowerPoint Multimedia -Creating a Presentation & Adding Slides -Adding Clip Art -Using Transition Effects -Creating Notes Pages Keyboarding drills Computer Applications Introduction to Desktop Publishing -Create, edit, & manipulating media -Using ClipArt and WordArt -Working with text, objects, and graphics Keyboarding drills Review for Final Exam

Week 2

Week 6

Week 3

Week 7

Week 4

Computer Applications Introduction to Word processing -Formatting and editing tools Keyboarding drills

Week 8

Week 9

Literacy Standards: Students will enhance reading in all curriculum areas as it relates to technology: Grade-level appropriate articles of technology will be assigned. As a result students will be able to respond to a variety of articles in multiple modes of discourse, build vocabulary knowledge, and establish context. These assignments will be given as homework. Students will be expected to read, share readings, and summaries of articles in class.

Evaluation and Grading Categories Numeric Grade 90 100 80 89 74 79 70 73 69 and below Letter Grade A B C D F Descriptor Excellent Good Average Below Average Failing

Daily Work: Consistent daily attendance is essential to learning to type by touch and to mastering computer applications. Absences should be avoided when possible. Announced work, such as homework, quizzes and major assessments are due the day the student returns. For each days excused absence, students will have one day to make up missed work. If a student is absent under extenuating circumstances, special arrangements can be made to make up work. IT IS THE STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO CHECK WITH THE TEACHER TO REQUEST MISSED WORK. Cheating: Cheating on a test, quiz, or assignment is considered to be a serious breach of conduct. The student should be penalized with a zero for the work (which cannot be made up), with notification to the parents/guardians of the reason for the action. Discussion of the incident with an administrator is also required. The following actions are considered to be cheating: 1. Using unauthorized materials on a test 2. Receiving unauthorized information on a test 3. Knowingly giving information in a test situation 4. The passing of definite questions or answers to someone who has not taken the test 5. The turning in of work for credit that is not ones own 6. Plagiarism Academic honesty- Receiving or giving information for an assignment is cheating and when caught in the act students will not receive credit nor receive the opportunity for a chance of make-up. Plagiarism is not acceptable: If a student takes information from the Internet or any printed resources without a citation, it is considered plagiarism and will result in a reduction in grade. Supplies Needed: Headset/Earbuds (for typing lessons), Notebook Paper and #2 pencil/pen for notes Student Expectations: Procedures for Computer Lab: Students may not be on the Internet EXCEPT to do what is assigned in class. You are not allowed to touch anyone elses computer unless you have special permission from the teacher. 1. It is very important that the computers and screens stay in good working condition. Changing the desktop, screen saver, background, etc., causes problems with the software and the speed of the computer. Therefore, you are not to make any changes to any settings on your computer. 2. Internet access is to be used to promote educational excellence and learning only. Internet is a privilege, not a right. This privilege will be lost if abused. Anytime you are found on an unauthorized site on the Internet when you should be doing other work, you will lose your Internet privilege. 3. Students actions will be monitored, and they will be held responsible for information viewed, received, or sent using school property.

4. Do not eat, chew gum, or drink around the computers in this lab. 5. Cell phones/electronic devicesNO SEE, NO HEAR POLICY: Students cell phones must be in the off position and out of sight during the school day. They may not be on vibrate or silent. 5. Do NOT inspect, create, or alter any file(s), menus, or default settings without permission from your teacher. 6. Do not print anything without the teachers permission. Agenda Book Expectations Students are responsible for having their agenda books with them in each class to enter information as necessary. Agendas are needed to: (1) record assignments, (2) for parents/guardians and teachers to communicate with each other, (3) to monitor student progress and involvement in school activities, and (4) to serve as the students hall pass. Restroom Passes Students often come into class, sit a few minutes before the tardy bell rings, and then decide they need to use the restroom. Students are encouraged to go to the restroom during scheduled restroom breaks. In the event of an emergency, students must have their agenda in order to be issued a restroom pass. Rituals and Routines The students safety in the classroom is a priority. We will follow some basic safety principles to make sure every student is safe: 1. Always walk quietly in the classroom. 2. Sit in your assigned seat at all times. 3. Look at the board and read standard, opening, and essential question, etc. 4. Immediately begin the opening work. 5. Wait for teacher instructions to move into work period. 6. Ten minutes before class ends, complete exit ticket and clean work area. 7. Report any computer problems to the teacher immediately. 8. Do not insert anything in the computer drives or electrical sockets. The only item acceptable to be inserted in the computer disk drive would be a flash/jump drive that will be issued by the teacher, if applicable. 9. Always clean up your computer station/work area and push your chair under your desk before leaving class. Tardy Unexcused Tardy: The student arrives to class after the tardy bell rings without a valid, written excuse from the previous teacher OR student is not in the classroom seated and ready to begin before the tardy bell rings. Unexcused Absence: Student misses entire class for reason other than illness or doctors appointment, death in family, religious holiday, school activity, or absence approved by grade level administrator prior to absence. *Please see attendance and tardy policies in student handbook. *Be familiar with the Student Handbook because all school policies will be enforced in this class! Classroom Rules and Expectations Remain respectful to self and others at all times Arrive on time for class daily Bring all materials and supplies to class daily Complete all assignments (classwork and homework) Have appropriate hall passes/student agenda Do not get out of your assigned seat unless with permission Use Positive language when speaking Come prepared and ready to learn Consequences 1. 1st offense: Verbal Warning 2. 2nd offense: Student/Teacher conference 3. 3rd offense: Mandatory Parent Contact 4. 4th Offense: Detention 5. 5th Offense: Referral to administration Technology Lab Safety Rules No food or drinks No horse playing No sharing ID or passwords No cyberbullying No electronic devices such as MP3 players, IPODs, or cellphones can be used

Serious Offenses: Immediately referred to an administrator Positive Reinforcements for Good Behavior Student of the week Verbal praise, including GOOD phone calls to parents Treats (may be tangible or consumable goods) Free computer time


Students and Parents/Guardians, by signing this syllabus, you are hereby considered knowledgeable of the requirements outlined in the Business and Computer Science syllabus. ________________________________________________________ Student Name (Print) ________________________________________________________ Date_____/_______/_______ Student Signature Parent Information below: _______________________________________________________ Parent Name (Print) ______________________________________________________ Date_____/_______/_______ Parent/Guardian Signature Work Phone # (_____)_______________ Cellular Phone # (_____)_______________________ Home Phone # (_____)__________________ Other Phone # (_____)_______________________ E-Mail Address:_________________________________________________________________ If there is a medical condition that should be known, please discuss below, and give any explanations. ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

*The teacher reserves the right to adjust the course work and/or differentiate instruction as needed to meet the needs of students and ensure academic success.

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