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Chapter 26-The Second World War Causes of World War II o Failure of the League of Nations o Economic Conditions o The

e Great Depression o The Dishonest Decade o German Rearmament and Appeasement Hitler believed great nations deserved more land than other countries (Mein Kampf) East of Germany and the Soviet Union Willing to use force Make these lands German settlements Slavics become slaves Hitler wanted revise the Treaty of Versailles Peaceful Methods Rearmament-March 1935-economic recovery leading to militarism o Air force (Luftwaffe) o Navy o Conscription League of Nations had no coalition force, only economic sanctions European countries condemned the actions, but because of effects of Great Depression more internally focused-convinced Hitler European powers would not use force to stop him Hitler moves reunite all ethnic Germans in Third German Reich March 1936-Hitler occupies the Rhineland (violation of Treaty of Versailles) o France would not act without British support o British viewed move as reasonable move for Germany-own back garden Begin policy of appeasement-the satisfaction of reasonable demands of unsatisfied states to maintain peace; negotiation as opposed to force German Allies-1930s Benito Mussolini takes control of Italy-signs the Rome-Berlin Axis Anti-Comintern Pact-signed with Japan Anschluss-(1938)union of Germany and Austria-set up puppet regime allowed Hitler to annex Austria Hitler demands Sudetenland (NW Czechoslovakia)-promoted a meeting in Munich between the Germans and powers of Europe Munich Conference European powers allow Hitler to move into Sudetenland; no more demand Neville Chamberlain-peace for our time-allowed Hitler to reunite all ethnic Germans

Believed Hitlers promises Hitler more assured Europe would not use force against Germany Winston Churchill will take control after the failure of appeasment March 1939-Hitler invades western Czechoslovakia; Nazi puppet regime in Slovakia Britain and France reacted (protect Poland)and began negotiations with Stalin and the Soviet Union Hitler had already begun negotiations with Stalin; signed Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact(Soviet union received Eastern Poland and Baltic States)-Allowed Hitler to continue his plans to invade Poland

The War Begins o Poland-1 September 1939 (4 weeks) Blitzkrieg-lighting war-mass advancement of tanks and men(panzer divisions), supported by airplanes; sweeping, meticulous Sitzkrieg-Phony War-Stage of inaction after blitzkrieg in Poland o France Spring of 1940-Germany invades Denmark, Norway Blitzkrieg overwhelmed French forces 338,000 Allied troops trapped between the English Channel and the advancing German army-Dunkirk-military and commercial vessels aided in a massive evacuation 22 June 1940-France signs armistice with Germany Part German military occupation Vichy-German controlled French regime led by Marshal Henri Petain o Battle of Britain-August 1940 German bombing offensive of military targets, later civilian targets (cities) Allowed British to rebuild forces British bombing of Berlin Abandoned o Battle of the Atlantic Sea operation of World War II-submarine blockades and attacks on Allied shipping2800 ships sunk o United States-Isolationism British appeal to U.S. for aid Reject Treaty of Versailles 1930s Neutrality Acts FDR wanted to aid Britain, relaxed neutrality acts-indirect aid Food, ships, planes, weapons Lend-Lease Act 7 December 1941-Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor ended U.S. Neutrality Destroy U.S. Navy-control Pacific Establish Greater Pacific Co-Prosperity Sphere

Grand Alliance(Allied)-Great Britain, Soviet Union, US-Only unconditional surrender (1943) Axis Powers-Germany, Italy, Japan Africa-Operation Torch-Suez Canal Afrika Korps-German forces in Africa led by Field Marshall Erwin Rommel Series of German success German advance stopped by Allies at El Alamein-Summer 1942 German surrender in Africa, May 1943-Allies hold Tunisia o Opening the Western Front September 1943-Italy-soft underbelly of Europe Capture Siciliy-Mussolini removed from office After fierce fighting-Allies take Rome 4 June 1944 Second Front 6 June 1944-D Day-Beaches of Normandy Commanded by Dwight D. Eisenhower Established beachheads-build a two million man force to begin march toward Germany August 1944-Liberation of Paris December 1944-Battle of the Bulge-last German offensive of the war March 1945-Allies closing in on Berlin War in the East-Hitler never indented on maintaining peace with the Soviet Union o Operation Barbarossa-code name for attack on Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union o Invasion planned for Spring of 1941-Italian defeats in the Balkans delayed the invasion o Invasion began June 1941 o Stopped 25 miles from Moscow-November-Early winter, fierce fighting o Battle of Leningrad-900 day siege-forced German retreat o Battle of Stalingrad November 1942-Febuary 1943 German defeat-Hitler realizes the Soviet Union will not be defeated Counterattacks by Allies signifies a turning point of the war o Battle of Kursk-1943 Largest tank battle in history-Soviet victory Race War and the Final Solution o Hitler wanted to create an Aryan racial empire o Rassenkampf-racial policies to keep German blood pure o Slavic people-Eastern Europe, racially inferior-wanted lands for German settlers o o Untermenschen-subhuman racial category of Jews, Gypsies, Slavs marked for murder Heinrich Himmler-leader of the SS (guard squadron, police force)-leader of resettlement plans in Poland

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Slave labor-Slavs rounded up and sent to Germany as workers Jews-Hitler believed Jews were the biggest threat to the Aryan Empire Final Solution-Complete extermination of the Jewish race Reinhard Heydrich-in charge of the Final Solution, creator and leader of the Einsatzgruppen First major effort to cleanse conquered territories Einsatzgruppen- special forces created to carry out the Final Solution; mobile killing units; following front-line troops

Jewish ghettos-after German invasion of Poland Jews were rounded up and forced into crowded apartments; resistance movements form in the Warsaw Ghetto

Concentration camps- extermination camps, death camps -created because Eisatzgruppen was not working fast enough- -transported in train cars to six Polish camps

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Auschwitz-largest of the six camps, forced labor-30%, starvation, gas chambers Three million Jews killed in death camps 5-6 million total, 1.2 million children Non Jewish exterminations-Gypsies, Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians 9-10 million; 3-4 million Soviet POWs

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Holocaust-mass slaughter of European civilians, especially European Jews Collaborators-people assisted in finding and turning in Jews

January 1945-Soviets occupy Warsaw, Poland o Hitler conducts the remainder of the war from an underground bunker in Berlin o Blamed the Jews for the War o 30 April 1945-Hitler commits suicide o Soviets first to enter Berlin o 7 May 1945-Allies accept unconditional surrender of Germany The Pacific War o Began 7 December 1941-Pearl Harbor Simultaneous attacks on the British in Malaya, French in Indochina, Dutch in Indonesia o May 1942-Battle of the Coral Sea Allied forces stop Japanese advance near Australia

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June 1942-Midway Island US planes destroy Japanese aircraft carriers-establish Naval superiority Allies begin moving toward Japan General Douglas MacArthur leads allied forces through the islands of Indonesia, Philippines island hopping-capturing Japanese held islands, while avoiding some Japanese army and navy units, all the way up to Japan Iwo Jima Okinawa Allies preparing for a land invasion of Japan President Harry S Truman decides to use atomic bombs against Japan Work began in the late 1930s-Einstein wrote a letter to FDR expressing his concerns about atomic energy and the importance of beating Germany to the use First reactor built at the University of Chicago Manhattan Project- Robert J. Oppenheimer 16 July 1945-First successful detonation- Los Alamos, NM Scientists were against the use of the bomb without a warning and demonstration Hiroshima-6 August 1945 Nagasaki- 9 August 1945 14 August 1945-Japanses surrender Results Deaths Military-15 million Civilian-35 million (6 million Jews) Destruction of property-bombing Billions of dollars-Britain, France, Japan Total War-complete mobilization of people and resources Increased government powers Women in industry Civil rights movement Billions of dollars of debt, destruction United Nation created 1945 Emergence of the Soviet Union and the United States as major world powers- Cold War

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