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Media Organization Group Field-Trip Assignment

Format of Reports
I. Cover Sheet: The report should begin with a cover sheet answering
the basics about the organization. Information should include: The name of the organization The date & time you took the tour The name of the owners corporation The circulation (estimated audience) The distribution area Number of employees -sales? production? creative? When did organization begin? Any themes, formats, or target audience? Who are the major advertisers?

II. Report Sections

The report should include the following sections. Each group member should write one section (one page per).



Who programs or determines the content that goes to the consumer?

Describe how material is selected. How does the management describe what they produce? Who designs the editorial sections, and how is that done? How is it decided which information will be placed at which portion of the medium?



What do the engineers do? Describe the machinery required to make the medium work. Describe a brief description of jobs. What would they like to upgrade? What new machinery (technology) has turned the organization around?



How do sales representatives sell the medium? What are the selling points? What types of advertising are nationally placed, and which are placed locally? Give a brief description of jobs.

Who designs the advertising?



Approximately what does one issue or one day's operations cost the organization? What is its expected revenue and expenses? (If they don't want to answer this, it's okay). What are the financial management jobs at the organization? What are their advertising rates?



How is the medium promoted? What type of events, mailings, or contests does the medium use? Are employees asked to join community groups to show a larger presence in the community? What types of non-profit groups or events are sponsored by the organization (Coats for Kids by KVUE). Does the organization have any sort of social agenda? Are minority groups targeted in any way?

Finally, include any PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS you can get about the organization. Include rate cards, advertising handouts or forms, information about promotional events or job openings, programming schedules, etc.

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