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Stefon Bowman
Mrs.Saxon 2/7/2013

EDUC 421: Teaching Language Arts

Within Mr. Burgesss classroom he uses several different strategies when teaching Language Arts. He uses technology, his own library, and also the classroom word wall. By using technology Mr. Burgess is able to bring interactive ways to catch the students attention. He often uses Youtube videos to introduce his lessons. He also uses interactive websites like Brain Pop to show lessons, videos, and also fun games the kids can play. Mr. Burgess also uses his SmartBoard to allow students to come up to the board and edit or create sentences. In addition to technology, Mr. Burgess utilizes his class library of books. By doing so he increases their reading, vocabulary, and also their level of understanding. He requires the students to read and goes over the books with them. This improves the students fluency while reading as well and also causes them to be more interested in reading. Mr. Burgess uses the word wall that is up on the wall in his classroom. He has vocabulary words that they have gone over in the class throughout the entire year. By using the word wall students are able to review vocabulary words, add words they come across, and use the wall as a reminder when they are writing sentences or essays. Mr. Burgess also is able to teach the students understanding of those words when using them in papers or even orally.

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