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5 Channel - Parkflyer Micro Receiver (Hitec 2.

4GHz A-FHSS Compatible)

Dimensions: Weight: Channels: Input Voltage: Range: Connectors: 21mm * 16mm * 5.8mm 2g (1.6g without cover) 5 3.0v to 7.2v >300M (Parkfly class) Micro connectors (Molex Pico Blade)

LED Status Indication

Slow Flash

No Valid Signal
Fast Flash

Locked onto Transmitter

Listening for Binding

Binding Successful

Failsafe Positions Saved

No Valid Bind Data

Binding the Receiver to your transmitter

1. Put the transmitter into Minima bind mode. This is done by pushing the button on the transmitter module, while turning on the transmitter. Ensure that the transmitter is in Minima bind mode distinguished with the Blue LED lit. To switch between Minima and Optima mode, press and hold the button on the module. 2. Attach bind jump lead between channel 5 and channel 1. 3. Power up the receiver. 4. Green light will flash slowly while it is searching for the transmitter to bind to. 5. Once the receiver has successfully bound, the Green light will flash rapidly. This should take no longer than 2 seconds. Tips:

If binding isnt successful, try increasing the range between the transmitter and receiver. It should be around 50cm to 100cm apart. If you are not able to switch to the Minima bind mode on the transmitter, you may need to update your transmitter module. If this is the case, please contact your local Hitec retailer.

Setting the Receiver Failsafe

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ensure that your Transmitter is powered on and transmitting. The Receiver should be powered off. Connect the bind jump lead between channel 5 and channel 2. Power up the receiver. Ensure that the transmitter sticks are at the correct locations. After 5 seconds the green and red LEDs should be both lit with the green led flashing rapidly.


Ensure that the transmitter is on and transmitting. If the Red LED is flashing on the receiver, the receiver isnt receiving a valid signal. Failsafe settings will be lost if the receiver is rebound. If the failsafe is not set, by default, when the receiver has lost the signal it will stop sending servo pulses. The servo pulses will resume when the signal is received again.
V1.2 12 July 2012

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