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Salak, Relea Grace B.

Artificial Echo
When the natural sound is heard later

than the amplified sound

Occurs because sound in air travels at 1130

ft/s, whereas electric signal to loudspeakers travels almost instantaneously, at the speed of light.

Signal-delay devices
Used in sound-reinforcing systems to avoid

artificial echo

Used to delay

the electric signal to distant loudspeakers so that the amplified sound will arrive at the listeners ears within 25ms before or after the natural sound

For an initial check on signal-delay requirements,

Measure the distances from the live source

of sound and the central cluster to both nearest and farthest listeners. Convert the signal delays by dividing distance differences by 1130. Delays should be less than 25 ms Signal delay = distance / velocity

Signal Delay = (80 8) / 1130 = 64 ms


Distributed loud speakers for loud live sources, such as bands, in long rooms with low ceiling heights.
Seat-integrated loud speaker systems ( usually signal-delay zones change about every third or fourth row).



Central system with distributed loudspeakers covering seating areas under deep balcony overhangs or transepts in a church.
Central loud speaker system clusters located far in front of stage.



Distributed loudspeaker clusters for outdoor concerts or for large sports arenas.

End :D

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