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Protein Biology continued . . .

Membrane proteins

Single membrane spanning region

Multiple membrane spanning regions

b-sheet layers

One example of peripheral proteins: Phospholipases

Methods of Protein purification and analysis

Native PolyAcrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE)


Separation occurs based on charge and on size, but the proteins stay folded in their native conformations

Speed of migration will depend on: 1) charge of the protein
2) size of the protein 3) pore size 4) the electric field strength


Denaturing gel includes SDS

2-D electrophoresis

Immunoblotting (aka Western Blotting)

1) Colorimetric development 2) chemiluminescence

3) Radioactivity & autoradiography

Time of flight laser mass spectroscopy

To be continued . . .

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