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Kingdom Hearts TCG Set III: Light and Darkness introduces a whole new type of card: the Equipment

Card. Equipment Cards Equipment Cards are played during the Action Phase. Any number of Equipment Cards can be played during the Action Phase. Equipment Cards are subject to the "uniqueness rule". That is, no more than one Equipment Card of any given name can be in play in a Player's Friend Area at a time. For example, you cannot have two "Magic Carpets" in play at a time. Place Equipment Cards on Player Card and Friend Cards to equip them. As long as an Equipment Card is on a Player Card or Friend Cards, that Equipment Card's Attack/Support Value and/or Magic Value will be added. Once you play Equipment Cards, they will stay on your Player Card or Friend Card unless there is some Card Text effect from other cards that would discard it. When Friend Cards are discarded, Equipment Cards attached to the Friend Cards are also discarded. Player Card and Friend Cards can equip only one Equipment Card at a time. Some Equipment Cards can only be attached exclusively to some Friend Cards or Player Cards, for example Warhammer and Donald Duck. *You can keep Equipment Cards in play, even after Friend Cards of the same name are played. For example, if you have a Level 1 Donald Duck in play with Warhammer attached and play Level 2 Donald Duck, the Level 1 Donald Duck card would be discarded, but the Warhammer would not.

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