LA Sheet1 12

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Mathematics Prelims: Linear Algebra, MT 2012 Sheet 1 (for tutorials in week 3) Qu.

1 We say that square matrices A and B of the same size commute with respect to multiplication if AB = BA. Now let A be a 2 2 matrix with entries in R. (a) Show that A commutes with (b) Show that A commutes with 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 if and only if A is diagonal. if and only if A is diagonal. 0 1 0 0 ? 0 0 for

(c) Which 2 2 matrices A commute with

(d) Deduce that A commutes with all 2 2 matrices if and only if A = some R.

Qu. 2 The transpose of an m n matrix A = [aij ] is the n m matrix AT whose (i, j )-th entry is aji . Let A and B be m n matrices, and let C be an n p matrix. (a) Show that (A + B )T = AT + B T and that (A)T = AT for a scalar. (b) Show that (AC )T = C T AT . (c) Suppose n = m and assume A is invertible. Show that then AT is invertible with (AT )1 = (A1 )T . Qu. 3 A square matrix A is symmetric if AT = A and is skew-symmetric if AT = A. Let A and B be two square matrices of the same size. Determine which of the following matrices are always symmetric and which are always skew symmetric. In each case, prove that the matrix is always symmetric, always skew symmetric, or provide an example where it is neither. (a) AT + A, (b) B T (AT + A)B, (c) B T (A AT )B, (d) B T AB. Qu. 4 Assume A and B are n n matrices over R. For each of the following, either give a proof or nd a counterexample. [To nd counterexamples, consider n = 2]. (a) (A2 B 2 ) = (A B )(A + B ). (b) If AB = 0 then A = 0 or B = 0. (c) If AB = 0 then A and B cannot be invertible. (d) If A and B are invertible then A + B is invertible. (e) If ABA = 0 and B is invertible then A2 = 0. Qu. 5 Let J be the n n matrix with all entries equal to 1, so that J 2 = nJ .

Let , R with = 0 and = n . Show that then the matrix In + J is invertible, 1 (In + J ) for some R. Find the inverse of by nding an inverse of the form 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 . 2 2 2 3

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