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Gomersal St Marys Primary School

Class Reception Newsletter Summer Term 2013

My teacher is Mrs Haigh Other adults who are part of the Reception TeamMrs Newby and Mr Rhodes We do P.E. on a Tuesday and Friday. Please can you ensure that children have their P.E kits in school. All P.E kits must be named to prevent items being lost. We are delighted to see the children coming into the classroom independently which helps us make a prompt start to the day. Thank you for your support. Please come and see Mrs Haigh at 3.00pm if you have any concerns. You would be most welcome. Tuesdays: family reading 8.40 to 8.55, everyone welcome.

Our topic this half term is The Living Garden. We will be learning all about the outdoor environment, plants and animals. Our role play area will be a flower shop. Look out for us busy planting and sowing.

In Communication, language and literacy I am learning to; blend and spell words Learning tricky words Reading a variety of different types of books Listening to lots of stories and books about our topic. Learning letter names. Writing simple sentences with increasing independence.

Reading In Mathematics I am learning The children are to; doing really well with Recognise and count, their reading skills. write and order numbers A big thank you for to 20 all your support from Add and subtract home. Tell the time We will continue to 2D and 3D shapes send tricky words Money and High Frequency Capacity Words home for child to practice to read. Also when they are reading please try to spell the words and write simple sentences. E.g I like my mum.

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