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Apa kata jika anda lakukan senaman seperti di bawah (English dikekalkan bagi mengekalkan maksudnya secara tepat) :

Lie flat with knees bent, then using your abs, not your neck, lift your torso off the ground. When it is about 45 degrees relative to the ground, hold for two seconds then return to starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

Lie flat with arms and legs straight, keeping palms flat on floor. Keeping your legs together, slowly raise them till they are 90 degrees relative to the ground. Then slowly lower them. Repeat 10-15 times.

Lying face down with legs straight behind you, rest your upper body on your forearms. Then get into a push-up. Repeat 10-12 times

Lying face down with legs straight behind you, rest your upper body on your forearms. Tensing your abs, lift your left leg and hook it over your right ankle and hold the pose for 45 secs. Repeat for the other leg.

Lie flat with knees raised and arms straight by your side. Slowly pull your knees to your chest, raising your hips off the floor. For the more experienced, you may want to try this with ankle-weights.

Lie flat with knees raised holding a light dumb-bell. Raise your arms behind your head then slowly lift your torso off the floor. Return to the starting position.

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