Printing Originality Reports

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Printing originality reports in Turn it in

You may be asked by your tutor(s) to print out the Turnitin Originality Report for your assignment. Follow the steps below to download and print your assignment complete with its originality report from the Turnitin web site. Wait around 5/10 minutes after submitting before doing the following 1. Click on the Turnitin link which you submitted your assignment through

2. You will then see the Turnitin assignment summary screen, an example of which is shown below. Click the My Submissions tab. 3. Click the Similarity block to access your submitted assignment on the Turnitin web site

4. You will be presented with the originality report for your assignment within the Turnitin Document Viewer. 5. To print out your originality report click on the Print icon at the bottom left of the Turnitin Document Viewer.

6. The document viewer will begin to prepare your assignment along with the originality report for download as a PDF file. Once finished, click on the Click here to download your file link within the dialogue box and select either Open or Save. 7. You can now print out your assignment from Adobe Acrobat Reader complete with the full originality report just print the originality report at the end of the PDF file (you can do this when you go to print by just printing the pages which the originality report is on). You only need to submit the originality repor and not your whole assignment.

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