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The cacophonous pleasantries

Heard in the house next door
Yesternight has dwindle to
Silence that deafens
Faces known and unknown
Drags their feet in and out
In a countenance of nothingness
Throwing heads side by side
Not wanting to foreknow
The inevitable visitor
Dearest and nearest soon clouds
The ambience
Gasping for breath that pains
The not expect has arrived

Yesterday’s aglow faces

Becomes darker than ebony
With contours that defies description
And faces masked with intermittent
Showers that comes unannounced
Eroding hopes and happiness
The barrel of laughter mouth
Is shut with zipped lips
Only gulping down
Tasteless saliva that heartburns
The sorrow bearer has arrived

It appeared all destructive

Unheralded from nowhere
Without shame and conscience
Crumbling ties that try to thrive
Thrusting away breadwinners
Absconding with mothers that give breast
Eloping brides for a honeymoon
Abducting sinless toddlers

The acquaintances are derailed with sympathy

The near are strangulated with empathy
The consanguinities sophisticated with apathy
All starring the departing visitor in antipathy
Yet with unanswered question of
When Again?
And to who?

Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence

Nurses’ Training College

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